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Post by MaryAnne »

Ireland is rarely mentioned as a destination for ITs. A quick search reveals only one IBDP school, and one that advertises as an IS. Is there any chance of working in any division, state or independent? Or is supply of domestic teachers more than enough? I am fully certified from an English speaking country, with a "good" degree from Trinity College Dublin, an Irish passport, (dual citizen) and much experience in HL math in international schools, currently in China. I have not lived in Ireland for a very long time, and I never worked there. Is there point in looking towards Ireland? Has anyone gone that route?
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Re: Ireland

Post by coughingfurballs »

I have two Irish teacher friends who both tell me that there is a major job shortage in Irish schools; there are far more qualified teachers than available jobs, so many Irish teachers are forced to leave Ireland if they actually want to teach. I imagine it would be very difficult to land a job in Ireland.

Re: Ireland

Post by Rhysboy »

I can only repeat what the previous post said.
When I was doing my teacher training (back in 2007) there were quite a few Irish people on the course. There were so few job opportunities for teachers in Ireland, that they came to the UK to do their teacher training there in the hope of landing a job.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Ireland is rarely mentioned as a destination as Ireland is one of those regions that rarely has vacancies, there is typically advertised a vacancy every few years.

I agree with @MaryAnne, there is a surplus of DTs in all teaching fields in Ireland. If your an outsider even with citizenship, you would really need to know someone who could hire you, and even then you will get nothing more than a LH package.

However, if there was a candidate profile that had the strongest probability of success, yours would be very close to being it.
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Re: Ireland

Post by MaryAnne »

Thanks, everyone. Pretty much as I expected, but good to have it confirmed.
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