murder threat bully boss

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murder threat bully boss

Post by ezans »

Any advice? I was threatened with murder twice by my principal here because I questioned the ethics of the organization I work for. I am also a Westgate survivor who has stayed in Nairobi working with a huge paycut. hid in my classroom when immigration came through ( My Visa was expired) my retirement paper work was lost three times.. and there was a one month lapse in our health care because it expired. The school director is supportive, but not my principal. She told me she would not assist me with with the lost paper work, her boss said yes she would help me..My principal was furious I asked her and more bullying ensued. I resigned. I don't know what else to do. I am resilient, but this is all too much. Am I being a whimp?
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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by senator »

Of course, not!

Good decision on your part. Now use this experience to help you avoid schools like this in the future and move on.
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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by vandsmith »

that's some crazy-ness man!

that'll be an interesting if not eye-opening review when you write it. as far as my own experience goes, that is not the norm in international teaching. glad you got out of there - you are out of there aren't you?!?

sounds like a bunch of loons. go somewhere else and be happy.

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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by ezans »

thanks,,still here,,, just resigned Saturday and gave them a months notice...almost out! I should report her to Search, but I don't think they will listen, believe me or do anything about this organization they represent..even though others have complained about missing pay, health care and Visa problems..
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Post by PsyGuy »

Your being a wimp.

First paperwork is paperwork, and ISs are not immune to incompetence or corrupt work flows, this is Africa after all, what did you expect?

Second, your admin threatened to murder you twice, they obviously have an issue with following through on their promises. When they just smile and say "dont worry" thats the time to be scared and really look both ways when crossing the street. Your IS isnt functionally organized enough to keep track of critical documentation, what makes you think they have the capability to snuff you out of existence, do you know how much paperwork and resources that requires?

SA doesnt care one they wont believe you, second it just sounds like your crying over paperwork, and third, and most importantly SA generates a lot of fees and revenue off of the schools with revolving doors and problems with staffing retention. The bottom tier ISs are the ones that pay everyones bills, the tip tier ISs are the ones that give the status and prestige.

Last edited by PsyGuy on Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by senator »

Ok, Guys:

If that latest of Psyguy's isn't enough to get you to doubt his sanity/intelligence then nothing will.

Man, Psyguy, you are bats_it nuts! You have just confirmed to me that you are some loon just getting off on posting on this site.
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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by ezans »

I know psych guy comments are bogus. The British Embassy told my friend she could be throw in jail for a two week lapse in her Visa and to stay at her own risk. I have lived in Africa for 6 years and have never dealt with this level of corruption. The director is trying to find a way for me to finish my contract on the senior end of the school. Thanks for the support I have received from others on this site. I have found a new job with 9 good references. Bullying a Westgate survivor who was in the Nakumatt hiding for 4 hours and diagnosed with PTSD is just not professional. I'll take my chances for the sake of my health and leave. I don't know why psych guy doesn't banned from this site.
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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by pgrass »

What does being a Westgate survivor have to do with anything?
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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by lookingforlefty »

Yet another reason to secretly record your conversations with your bosses.

International "teaching" is for the most part a miserable waste of time. People who dream about making a living wage, having a good quality of life, having an enjoyable job, etc. need to realise that international teachers are much, much more likely to be in the sort of situation described here.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Your is the possessive. Im going to take your jacket.
Youre is a contraction of you are. Youre going to the the principals office.
I dont believe in apostrophes.


Was really trying to be funny. Organized paperwork in Africa is an oxymoron. Yes, you COULD be jailed, but no one wants to jail a westerner in Africa, what they really want is a bribe, and if they had found you, thats what would have happened.


In 2014 terrorists took hostages at the Westgate mall/shopping complex in Nairobi by a Islamist group. The standoff lasted 2 days, about 65 people were killed (half of them were terrorists) and another 200 people wounded.


Recording wouldnt have been very effective. What are you going to do with a recording in Africa, call the police and have the admin locked up for threatening to kill you? Absent an actual attempt, a body, or evidence of action that advances the threat its just heat of the moment talk.
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Post by PsyGuy »


This is speaking not writing. Your and youre are phonetically equivalent. Thank you for being the spelling police.
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Post by PsyGuy »


This is a forum and much like the forums of classic greece and rome this is a conversation. It is am much the digital equivalent of "speaking" and not "writing" as texting or the use of a "messenger" is.
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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by ezans »

thanks for all the positive support.. I have found a job ..finally in a school with a good reputation. I have learned my lesson...and am leaving in a month for some well needed perspective and rest with my career undamaged. It's a power game some schools manipulate teachers for recommendations. I have 9 glowing recommendations on Search. One bad apple can't kill a career, and sometimes Al Shabab can't either, thankfully.
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Re: murder threat bully boss

Post by lifeisnotsobad »

lookingforlefty...I think the jobs you aspire to are not necessarily representative of the rest of us. Based upon previous comments that you have made on this forum I suspect that the references you leave with dictate the levels to which you have risen (or sunk).

As far as ezans is concerned, I think even SighGuy spotted him for a troll...which has a certain irony :-).
Last edited by lifeisnotsobad on Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PsyGuy »


How would I know you know?
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