Which Schools

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Which Schools

Post by Climberman »

I want to thank everyone for all of your help - it is greatly appreciated.

I have just sent covers and resumes (for math teaching positions, IB DP or not) to the following schools that will be at the Search Cambridge fair in February: (I have 8 years IB HL and SL math and MYP and 3 years TOK plus 8 more years in American public schools)

Am Int School Chennai
Am Int School of Jeddah
Int School of Manila
Am Comm School Amman Jordan
GEMS Singapore - Will not be at Cambridge
Colegio Nueva Granada - Colombia
Schutz Am School, Alexandria, Egypt
International Schools Group, Saudi
Branksome Hall Asia, Jeju Korea
Seoul Foreign School - though the religious aspect is a little bit of a turn-off

Does anyone have any comments/suggestions/information? I'm hoping for some interviews - nobody has written back yet, not even a generic...
Thanks again for any and all help.
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Post by PsyGuy »

They think something is wrong with you. Thats why you havent heard anything. Your essentially above market class for most of those schools (SFS and IS Manilla, being the exceptions), they are thinking either A) Your damaged goods or your running from something, B) your too expensive (for a variety of reasons), C) Youll breach when you get a better offer/school.
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Re: Which Schools

Post by senator »


Yeah, you might have respectfully disagreed with some admin at a past school and they never forgave you, smiled and said they'd be glad to write you a good reference, then screwed you to a wall.

These guys are like spoiled little brats who don't have the guts to say anything to your face. A real educator admires teachers who question and strive to make a school better. But, alas, most only want gutless YES men and women.

I actually knew a guy who let his principal make lewd and suggestive comments to his wife. They both told me that "it's ok, we can't say anything because we want good references"! I almost threw up.

The ONLY question on a reference should be: Would you hire this person again?

Good luck at Cambridge, man. But be careful what you wish for.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Thats true they could have a bad reference falling you, but I assume your application only included a letter and resume, they wouldnt have checked or contacted references yet.

Confrontation seldom if ever is of benefit, it doesnt get you anything, and has the potential to become catastrophic why take the risk. All anyones going to remember is that your the person (admin or staff) that lost it. Its not just a professional issue but a cultural one. Why take the risk. If your an admin let them go and give a negative reference, no fuss or complications or potential fall out.

Yeah some admins are monsters, really evil monsters, but in such a global profession where there are very few (almost none) regulatory controls, references rule. Thats just how it is, you need your pay packet and a reference to move on, its YOUR time wasted if you dont.
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Re: Which Schools

Post by Climberman »

I just got 2 replies from schools. They want to interview me at Cambridge.

One is a Tier 1 school.

Why would the other "lesser" schools not reply, though they have IB math openings and will be going to Cambridge?

If I'm considered "damaged goods" - says Psyguy - why would a Tier 1 set up an interview but the others won't.

And yes, I know an interview is not an offer. And don't say that the "lesser" chools might think I would stay for 1 contract then move on, since the majority of us IT's do just that.
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Re: Which Schools

Post by shadowjack »

Climberman - That's like asking, "Why does the weather forecast say it will be sunny, but then it's cloudy?" Schools operate on their own schedule. I have put CVs in at schools in a timely fashion, never heard anything, then all of a sudden have a rush of emails as the school finally started sorting out things. By that time, I had already gone elsewhere.

Great that you got replies and interviews. Go for it - don't be afraid to expand your horizon at the fair, though!
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Re: Which Schools

Post by justlooking »

I think many of these schools were going to the London fair too. That ends today. If they didn't find the right candidate there, I'm sure you will hear from a few now before Cambridge. Why don't you ask your Search associate to check your letters? I don't think he/she will give you any particulars but if you tell him what's going on, he might advise you to pull a certain letter (as long as you have enough others).
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Re: Which Schools

Post by mamava »

When we went to Melbourne/Bangkok in 2012 we had contacted a number of schools that did not reply to us before the fair, but then were more than willing to interview us (one school had put a note in our files when we had arrived) and we had very positive experiences (and came away with jobs). Who knows why they don't contact you before-hand. Job searches can make you crazy and second-guess yourself. If you've contacted those schools and told them you'll be there, make sure you arrive early on registration day and put your CV, etc., in their boxes right away. That gives them one more chance to remember you before you hit the tables.

BTW, I am in Saudi (our second year and we're leaving). The money is good, but make sure you are really willing to live in Saudi. We were prepared but it was more challenging than even we had expected.
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Re: Which Schools

Post by Fraisinette »

@ Mamava - do u have kids. not sure that i want to take my preschool and lower primary aged children there.
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Re: Which Schools

Post by mamava »

We have 2 teens with us. Our compound is fantastic for those families with children 8-9 and under. It's small and kids can very safely roam from house to house,to the little park, etc. and play their hearts out. Because there are really no community activities, families and children make their own fun. With teens, who are more interested in going out an about, who are looking for more than just hanging out at home a lot, it may be harder, and it was for us. We had heard that from other families who had lived in Saudi in the past. For those families with the younger children, they have found it to be really great.
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Re: Which Schools

Post by Fraisinette »

@ mamava, Yes, I could see how it would be great to for young families. Thank you for your response and best of luck in your new country!
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