High demand positions elementary/middle school?

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High demand positions elementary/middle school?

Post by livelovelaugh »

I am currently off this year with my first child and got to wondering what elementary positions are in high demand. I have done research on this site and know science and math are most talked about (my husband plans on taking additional qualifications for middle school science), but are there any at the elementary level and with my educational background?

A bit about me...I have a MA in elementary education (grade 1-6 with a focus on literacy) and my BA is in Anthropology. I have taught overseas for 3 years at the lower elementary level and will be joining a newer school that has a lot of room for career advancement. I am thinking of either taking AQ for ESL, Reading Specialist, or Early Years. I would like to stay in elementary but am open to taking middle school qualifications as well. Are any of these in demand? Any I am not considering? Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.
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Post by shadowjack »

Lots of talk in this forum already about MS certification vs HS or K-12. Strictly MS is very limiting.

If you are joining a school that has a lot of room for career advancement, why not ask them which one would be the most welcome from their point of view?
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Post by livelovelaugh »

Shadowjack- thank you so much for the reply. I have an appointment with the head next week so I will speak to them about that. Also didn't realize I would be limiting myself with middle school so that is good to know.

In general, I thought I would put this out there to the teachers at recent fairs or those of you doing the hiring to see if anyone noticed any trends. I know elementary is an easy post to fill, so I am hoping in the future an admin will think....oh this person has elementary AND (insert AQ) which would hopefully get myself and my partner another look. Again he is working toward completing Middle School Science AQ so maybe this will be enough for us both as a teaching couple? Have been surfing this site lately and started getting worried with all the posts about dependents and the negative impact they can have on job offers.
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Post by eion_padraig »

School counseling is high need, but the training takes a while and it can be a hassle to complete the internship hours.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Middle school is indeed very limiting. Most ISs want a secondary teacher who can do it all. In IB, MYP (Middle Years program) is actually grades 6-10.

Really large schools do have primary counselors but at most small to medium schools it a single all grades position.

EC is usually a local hire.

Reading Specialist is a niche field, as most ISs dont need remedial programs.

ELL has a stigma attached to it, and again you may have to do all level ELL.

Elementary PE, is the most marketable primary specialty, though SPED would make you attractive to the upper tier schools.
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Post by sid »

PG may be right that in some schools, EC is a local hire, but certainly not in all. The better schools have a deep respect for the importance of EC education, and will look for credentialled and experienced teachers. In my current school we require a BA in ECE for all teachers at that level, and prefer an MEd in ECE. Many of our teaching assistants have finished most of their BA or other credential in ECE.
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Post by livelovelaugh »

PsyGuy and Sid, cheers for taking the time to respond. My husband and I are at a school that is working toward IB accreditation, so the fact that MYP is up to grade 10 is good to know (It opened with EY to grade 6). This school does have highly qualified teachers in EY and I assumed most international schools did as well, but I guess that's not always the case. Not sure about PE, but something to ponder. Bottom line, I need to have a good think about which direction to head. Thank you all for your insight!
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