no nibbles so far

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no nibbles so far

Post by sevarem »

Thus far, our job search has gotten us... diddly squat. One "see ya at the fair," a couple of "your resume has been forwarded to so and so," and one rejection. In a way, I actually prefer the rejection; at least that means they're communicating with us and our resumes haven't just been thrown into a void.

My husband teaches AP Calculus. I can teach language arts or elementary. The fact that we haven't gotten anything is... disheartening, especially when it appears that lots of people are already getting skype interviews.

Any advice? How are ya'll doing at this point?
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Post by BookshelfAmy »

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Post by antitravolta »

Same. Only interview I've had wasn't technically with an international school. It was a school system in another country. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.
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Post by heyteach »

It's still very early in the recruiting season. Don't despair or give up.
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Post by Yantantether »

I wouldn't start worrying yet, most schools are still selecting possible candidates from their pool of applicants. Also, they have still not clarified how many/which positions will be definitely available.
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Post by danny514 »

Same. I have the feeling that schools are waiting to see what's on offer at the big January jobs fairs before seriously considering e-mailed applications.
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Post by PsyGuy »


1) Whats wrong with you?
2) When you say "I can teach language arts or elementary", does that mean your certified and have experience teaching ELA or Elementary, and if so how much?
4) How many years has husband been teaching math (AP Calculus)? is hubby certified?
5)What schools are you applying too? Are you only applying to elite schools or DOS schools? Are you only applying to schools in Western Europe?
6) have you only applied to four schools (hence the 4 responses)?
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Post by DCgirl »

Nothing yet. I've been using a very experienced high-needs area teacher at my school as a gauge. Nothing, either. One inside person at a school that I'm really interested in told me not to expect anything from them before the fair. Waiting anxiously for Bangkok! Good luck.
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Post by sevarem »

1) Ha. Okay, I won't take offense to that. Likely nothing is wrong with me, save that I don't have many years of experience.

2) Certified in both. Have taught both.

3) Hubby is certified. He's been teaching math for a few years and AP Calc for two.

4) Oh, wait, you skipped 3. Oh, well. We've applied to neither elite nor DOS schools and we have zero interest in Europe. We've been applying to schools in Asia, ME, and a handful in Africa.

5) More like 40.
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Post by Crgallen22 »

Don't despair! Teachers at my school had until November 30th to notify the school of their intentions, so our openings will have just been posted. Good luck!
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I got a nibble but that is it

Post by sfbrayuk »

My nerves are frayed after having signed a contract while at the AASSA fair last week, because I have not heard a word from anyone. People are coming to my house to buy my furniture; the realtor is listing my house, and no word. What if they change their mind? I am in a very difficult position if they do. Nothing seems to be easy, whether you get offered a job or not. Either way we teachers seem to have to just wait, and wait, and wait.
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Post by Overhere »

I totally understand how you are feeling but you signed a contract and you must assume best intentions or you will shortly drive yourself around the bend.

Someone had a similar post on this forum and I think they were given great insight:
A: its very early in the recruiting season
B: schools are in recruiting mode
C: in 3 months, or when their positions are filled, they will focus on getting you wherever you need to go.
D: Be patient

I am assuming that you are in North America, forgive me if I am wrong, but we are just gearing up for semester finals and the year has a long way to go before we even begin thinking about next year. I know that is small comfort when you are having to make all these important decisions but unless you got a bad vibe from the school or have heard something then you just need to get yourself prepared for the move and trust that all the pieces will come together.

Also don't forget that some directors are also the principals, HR dept and in charge of recruiting all rolled into one. Its a huge job and they have to prioritize, and even if the school has an HR department they are working with all their present teachers and their issues as well in addition to recruiting.

If possible sit back, relax and enjoy the moment.
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Post by PsyGuy »


You need to chillax. If the school decides to bail on you, there is nothing youll be able to do about it. Its a long time from now to August, and you will go nuts or make your self sick with worry. Its not going to help if you have a coronary, because the school just cant hold your hand and say soothing words of reassurance every couple of days, that everything is OK, and its all going to be alright. You might want to see your doctor about some anti anxiety medication in the meantime.


Im not trying to offend you, Im trying to help you identify the issue. Im really actually surprised, but this idea that you just have to wait because admins and recruiters just show up at the fair and see what teachers show up is extremely inaccurate. This doesnt happen at the last minute, and its not a casual walk through a "teacher" showroom.
Most admins are going to check out for the term on the 21st for the holidays. BKK is right after the new year. Its really only 2 weeks left of "work" before the holiday and fair are here. Given your resume and package, im really shocked that some bottom tier schools havent contacted you yet in the hopes of signing you before the main drive in recruiting happens.

My first advice would be to go into your Search profile nd check that your attending the January BKK fair, and see if that gets you on anyones radar. My impression is that you may not be seen as a priority or a potential "missed opportunity".
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Post by sevarem »

I guess no one wants us. I don't know. It's hard not to feel incredibly disheartened if schools in Sudan and Nigeria aren't contacting us.
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Post by senator »

To PsyGuy:

Did you actually ask this woman "What's wrong with you?"?!!!

Is there something wrong with you or are you just some socially inept child who feels he (or maybe you are a woman) is entitled to insult people at will?

Grow up and stop acting like a child.
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