Which contract should I take: Turkey, S'pore or Kuwait?

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Which contract should I take: Turkey, S'pore or Kuwait?

Post by Miss.S »

Hello everyone,

I am in a good but very difficult decsion making proccess. Your wisdom is very welcome. About me in short: Female 27, first year teacher (serial expat I am Muslim but not conservative at all. I have been to Turkey and enjoyed it very much. I have been offered three different teaching contracts and am trying to make the wisest choice based on personal and professional preferences. I would like to know where I am mistaken or should be weary.Here is some information I catagorised based on importance to me. I am worried about being legally taken atvantage of so any info about the importance of contracts etc welcome too.

[b]Ability to save money (Monthly pay)[/b]

Turkey: 2,500 USD no taxes, inc rent/utilities transport to and from school inc. Midday meal inc.

Singapore:3,200$ monthly after taxes, nothing inc---can I save on this salary? 4k 2nd year contract

Kuwait: 2,600 USD (750KD) no taxes, inc rent/utilities and internet and transport to and from school

[b]Social/Dating scene[/b]

Turkey: Excellent, would enjoy same freedom of movement as I would in US. Fond of Turkish men :)Socialising fun, but the 'rules' for men vs women are different.

Singapore: No info, probably decent potential partner may not be Muslim, could have a lot of fun socialising.

Kuwait: Limited due to gender and or location? Might be able to date fellow expats? Would find Muslim partner but not date? Too conservative for me?

[b]Legal and personal liberties[/b]

Turkey: Strict laws, no need for exit visa obtaining 90 day visa continuously be an issue? Not good? Why no work visa?

Singapore:Very strict lawsNo need for an exit visa Rights of expats? Employer wants to switch visa after 3 months emp.

Kuwait: Very strict, expats have few rights under law.
Contract states first 3 months emp are ‘trial’ I am afraid I would do something 'wrong' and not even realise it.

[b]Cost of living[/b]

Turkey: Istanbul seems to be on par in expenses with Kuwait, utilities more $ (but they are in contract) Cost of food?

Singapore: Rent seems very high, may need to get a roommate to be able to save $ Transport seems expensive too, worried I might not be able to save much on 3,200.

Kuwait: Contract includes everything but food it seems. Socialising might be a lot more expensive than in the other two choices...and it seems to stay sane you need to socialise a lot

[b]Curriculum & Classroom Dynamics:[/b]

Turkey: Attempting an IB curriculum (seemed vague) , once again not too in-depth kids are 3-7 years old. Turkish & expat..more Turkish

Singapore: Australian/IB curriculum---not to in-depth…kids are three years old. All expat. Interviewer didn't have much detail about curriculum.

Kuwait: Staff had some IB training, but doesn’t seem to have set curriculum. I would be in charge of 1st grade, Science, English, Maths and PYP instruction. Almost 100% Kuwaiti, English language learner. Have some concerns about student behaviour/my rights to classroom decipline.

[b]My ability to adapt:[/b]

Turkey: know from experience Blend in shockingly well. I feel very comfortable with Turkey’s blend of secularism & Islam. Such a beautiful country, kind people.

Singapore: I would obviously be ‘foreign’ but have no concerns. I have many friends from S'pore some seem to be a bit too materialistic.

Kuwait:Concerned about personal freedom restrictions that would not be an issue in other two places. Will not blend in, have no issues w/wearing abaya and following other social and legal rules.

Thank you guys very much :)
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Post by Miss.S »

I forgot to mention that I have a MA in Secondary Special Education.

Something that is also bothering me: all these schools have asked for my teaching prac reports, ref's, resume and supporting letter but they don't seem to care about my official teacher certification in Australia.

Is this normal or a warning sign? In general, how long does the hiring proccess take for those of you who are happy with your schools?
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Post by misskiwi »

Turkey, without a doubt!

It sounds like you love the country and know that you'd fit in well there. The package they are offering you sounds good given the cost of living there - whereas it sounds like you'd have to scrimp in Singapore.

And I'd just stay away from Kuwait. Especially right now, with the Middle East in a bit of turmoil...
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Post by Nemo. »

Hi lucky you! to be honest though as a liberal Muslim woman you are right to be worried about any middle east country. You could work around it, declare that your a Christian for example, but that's prob not a great idea either. If course some countries are more liberal, but even in super liberal Malaysia (where I have most experience of) female Muslim expats have extra worries as local Islamic laws apply to them.

Singapore isn't so expensive if sensible, but is expensive relative to rest of Asia. You need free accom in any teaching package. It's clean and everything works and is safe. Safe for a woman at night alone and taxis safe (well subject to normal precautions).

Maybe turkey is best as you know it well. Singapore is 80% chinese and 20% other inc Malay muslims and Indians. Expats will be mostly non Muslim except a few Arabs and Indian Muslims.
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What was your decision?

Post by yazmin182 »

Miss.S, your post sounds very similar to my situation right now. I am curious to know what you picked and how it's going. Please fill me in! Thanks :)
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Post by PsyGuy »

Well first the easy answer, they dont need to ask you for your australian certification, because they can look the virtual one up online, and its official. No fuss, no risk.

My first choice would have been Singapore for you, but the deal breaker is that with no housing on that salary, you will be lucky to break even on even a frugal lifestyle.

All other factors, and I think you know this already, but it sounds like your heading to Istanbul.
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Post by seinfeld »

Living and working in Singapore at the mo.

Yeah you would have to share an apartment or get a local apartment (HDB) to save a good chunk of your monthly salary.

Anything else and you can be clever and save money; take buses and MRT instead of taxis (when possible!), buy food at markets etc.

Singapore is bland and not really a city to fall in love with but it's easy to live in.
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