Anyone heard about Quality Schools International??

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guest 12

Anyone heard about Quality Schools International??

Post by guest 12 »

I have had an interview with QSI and am wondering if anyone knows about this organization. I guess they have around 30 schools world wide....
Just wondering if I should persue this position or not

don't do it

Post by donald »

Their philosophy is so out there, i don't think it will ever come back. Their students supposedly have very high marks.....but cannot get under a "B" grade, from what my friend in South America says. She also told me that teachers cannot smoke cigarettes in their own home, or will be fired. They also will not hire gay or lesbian people. One of her friends was actually asked if she was a lesbian. when she said no, they said "good, we had one of them try to apply."
You can guess that my partner and I will not be applying there!


Post by scarbowl »

QSI operates schools primarily in underserved areas and remote locations. They have schools in places such as Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. Each school has its own characteristics and each director will be different. I suggest you discount comments such as "a friend of mine said" as too distant to be reliable. I checked their website and stated philosophy ( and it doesn't seem to be "out there" at all.

Find someone who has worked at a QSI school, preferably one that you want to work in. I'm sure you can find some direct contacts. If you want to work in a unique place from the oilfields of Russia or Albania or Tajikistan then QSI might just be the company to work for. I'm guessing their salaries are a little low but they are a non-profit company and they are growing and I'm guessing they must do something right. A growing organization is good place to be if you are thinking you might want to be a principal some day.
Been There, Done That

Re: don't do it

Post by Been There, Done That »

I recommend (as did the other commentator) that you check into QSI. QSI has schools in some pretty interesting places and they are both well known and well established. I can assure you that it is not their policy to refuse (or even ask about) hiring gays or lesbians. Obviously, there are homophobics in the recruiting field from many schools that would be surprised to learn this. Further, there are many complainers in this forum but few people who are happy speak out. You might have a great future with QSI.
donald wrote:Their philosophy is so out there, i don't think it will ever come back. Their students supposedly have very high marks.....but cannot get under a "B" grade, from what my friend in South America says. She also told me that teachers cannot smoke cigarettes in their own home, or will be fired. They also will not hire gay or lesbian people. One of her friends was actually asked if she was a lesbian. when she said no, they said "good, we had one of them try to apply."
You can guess that my partner and I will not be applying there!
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Location: Cairo

Post by teacherincairo »

From what I understand QSI has some sort of connection to a church or religious organization. Not overt or in your face, but it's there. I've heard "from friends" who've interviewed with QSI that you may be asked about your religious affiliation, but unless you say you're an athiest, you'll probably be OK. They do not hire smokers and for the most part only hire married couples. (You'll probably be asked if you smoke in the interview. If you say no, but are caught smoking I suppose it could be a firing offence as you've lied. Donno.) As far as their grading policy, the school system is based around "mastery." So you do not move up in levels until you master the subject- hence the Only B's or Above thing. I think it's a pretty cool idea myself.

something i know

Post by ghghest »

I know very little about QSI, but I know someone who is an administrator. One thing that I think is good is that once you have taught at one of their schools you can transfer to another school without having to go through any sort of hiring process (no job fair or going to interview).

A joke

Post by HonestyisBestpolicy »

QSI is a joke on the international teacher circuit. Period. I know people who were in their schools in Yemen, Albania, Bosnia, Slovenia, Azerbaijan, the various Stans and each and every one said that not only would they not recommend QSI, but now go around and actively discourage people. You are underpaid, not allowed to give poor grades, your personal life is pried into and controlled, and no one has ever extended their contract, opting instead to get out of Dodge as soon as possible.

Yeah, they have schools in cool locations but that is about the only appealing aspect of this nut job of a school system.

You've been warned.

Quality schools international

Post by camille »

I will try and remain calm as I write this: I would never, ever consider QSI as providers of quality education. My experience is in Albania. The directors at that school, a married couple, were clearly incompetent but more importantly they were controlling of both students, teachers and parents. They have since moved on to another school in the region, Slovenia, last I heard. It is possible that many of their students have been scarred for life by some of the methods they used. What makes matters unbearbale is you have no recourse as the parent company controls the directors and hires teachers and directors that fit this strange profile. Steer clear! I cannot be emphatic enough about this. It is possible that amongst the very odd motley crew of staff they recruit that there may be some genuine educators amongst them but under the kind of mind control I witnessed from this organization any progressive educator will not last. [/b]
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Joined: Thu May 24, 2007 10:46 am

Quality Schools International QSI

Post by puka2 »

I work for them. It is straight fwd mastery learning model. Nothing weird. Each location might have a bit different feel, but the curriculum is set and you can get the kids to master the obj. any way you like. There is a lot of freedom to use your professional judgement. You are asked if you smoke on the application and at the interview. Their postition is that you are a roll model in a very small community. we have been warned that it is not acceptable to evangelize your beliefs (Atheist, Christian, etc.).
Not all of the staff is religious, but some certainly are, it is as always a mix of people. Salaries and benefits are competative and remember many of the unusual places where QSI is located are very cheap. Awesome Aetna insurance! We are saving lots of money and have worked our butts off. Overall they are very nice people to work for.
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