QSI School - Shekou

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Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:43 am

QSI School - Shekou

Post by Crgallen22 »

I am being considered for a position with this school. I have read past posts about QSI as well as the school in Shekou. One of my biggest concerns is that I am single and there seems to be a possible difference in the benefits/treatment of singles over teaching couples. Can anyone speak to whether singles have to share housing? Also, since QSI's salaries do not fluctuate based on the location of the school, I am curious if it possible to save much in Shenzhen. Any info would be helpful for this newbie.

Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 4:19 am

any other possibilities?

Post by hiznherz »

I'm in China, and it's pretty easy to save money. If you don't go out to eat much you can save plenty and still travel, especially given that your housing will be paid for. That said: do you have any other possibilities than QSI Shekou? I've heard the director, Britt Brantley, is hard to work with and that the workload is high -- lots of weekends spent doing school stuff, etc. Good luck.
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