What is the qualified pay scale?

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Re: What is the qualified pay scale?

Post by shahabh »


Hey, when I try to register at the ELAR portal, they ask for Social Security Number and if not, they give a contact number for the department of education. What do i do?

Please let me know thanks!
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Post by PsyGuy »


The ACSI route sounds easier, but you can either apply for a SS# at the site below based on the need of a SS# for tracking (page 2, second column, first block text), which will probably be denied.

The other option, and the one I would recommend, is just to call the DOE, they will issue you a Massachusetts Education Personnel ID (MEPID), once you obtain the MEPID you can use it in place of a SS# in ELAR and for other DOE purposes such as submitting an application.
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Re: What is the qualified pay scale?

Post by shahabh »

Thanks for the reply! I appreciate it. Are they going to ask me and is it going to be any issue if I am not an American citizen if I want to get the MEPID?
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Post by PsyGuy »


They will probably ask, and it probably wont be an issue getting an MEPID.
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Re: What is the qualified pay scale?

Post by shahabh »

Thanks for all the help psyguy. I will call them up and ask.
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Re: What is the qualified pay scale?

Post by shahabh »


Thank you very much again for all your advices!
My school accepted the ACSI certificate and amended my contract accordingly!!
Again, thanks so much! Honestly.

On another note, since I have been able to buy myself some time now with the ACSI certificate, I don't think, and I think you would concur that this option is not viable long term? I sent my transcripts to World Education Services some time ago and the they have just sent the email today that they have completed the report.

I am new to the career and my background/ education is in Chemical Engineering, but I don't mind teaching. I had never thought I'd be in teaching but I was at the beginning of my engineering career and had been laid-off, after which I was having a hard time finding a job. So long story short, after some time I applied for a teaching position in China.

I have some good experience in teaching and now I am wondering what my next steps should be in regards to certification and education. I think I will be applying to go to Saudi Arabia next after working another year in China (total 3 years in China) and I would like to have some necessary credentials and education before I make this move. Also, I am Canadian so I would be trying to find a job in Canada as well, both in teaching and engineering.

I don't particularly want to go back to school full-time as this would, I feel, be a bit counter-productive because I am trying to make/save money at the end of the day and going back to school means not only paying for school but letting go of my earning for a year.

Is there a way to get the Canadian credentials through first gaining US credentials without going to school full-time (few months is ok I guess).I am open to online programs.

I have already applied and gotten a MEPID number and temporary ID number for the MS credential but still haven't booked the MTEL test yet because I'm wondering if you could please advice me first if this is the best option for me currently. I think I understand that this would essentially be the cheapest option if I were to work in KSA? But I don't know if this would allow me some backdoors for a Canadian credentials.

I am also thinking of pursuing a masters degree the meantime if that would help me in KSA. Would you have some advice on that? I still have feelings for engineering so I was also considering a masters in engineering, would that help with applications in KSA (Although I understand this would require me to go back to school full-time probably, but I feel like if I were to go back to school full-time, I might as well do it in engineering and this may even allow me to try my luck in the engineering field again? (I'm a bit conflicted) Also, if I were to move into University teaching, a masters in engineering would definitely help more as compared to a masters in education?

So in summary, My options are:
*Obtain MS Provisional + Online Masters in Education, go to KSA and work as a teacher

*Go back to Engineering school for a year and try to get a teaching job in a school or preferably university in KSA (probably better working conditions than a school), Also perhaps obtain an online masters in education if it helps with that process.

*Obtain another US/UK credential that may possibly allow me a Canadian credential backdoor option as well, and work in KSA until maybe I can work in Canada as a teacher.

*Go back to Engineering school for a year, try my luck working as an engineer in Canada

Could you please give me some advice. I know this sounds a bit like I am asking for life advices but I'm just a little conflicted but I need to be making moves.

Thank you so much for taking the time in reading this confusing and lengthy post.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Aw, gee, so much to unpack here, let me get to the easy issues.
First, I really, really, try to avoid giving life coaching advice. This isnt the forum or the venue for anyone to understand you, and then explore the choices you have before you in your life. Im just not qualified to explore those things with you as they currently stand.
Second, I know very little about the engineering profession. I have friends and know people who are various types of engineers, but the big commonalities among those in the international space among them is they 1) All drink too much, 2) Cant maintain a relationship, and 3) All hate their jobs and the bosses they work for.

So now to the IE issues:

1) There is no skills or assessment pathway to a CAN credential through reciprocity. CAN uses the academic pathway, and you need credits and units of Uni study.

2) The ACSI certificate is whatever length of viability you want it to be, and whatever an IS will accept. As you climb IE and move into higher tiers, youre going to reach a point very quickly where its not acceptable anymore, but if your going to peddle it around the lower third tier, it seems to be working so far. You should understand its not a credential or a license, its literally nothing more than a certificate piece of paper. Theres no difference between it and a certificate from the PTC, or one you print yourself. ACSI, PTC, they are just businesses, with stationary. You will have to renew the ACSI certificate, but the PD would probably cost more than the MA provisional credential, and thats an actual credential.

3) Many ITs do various credentialing and degree programs part time and online. You could do Teach Now, while working in the Kingdom. You could do UPe for USD$2600 for the full program, very inexpensive for a Masters degree in education. You could do a M.Res at Portsmouth in the for about USD$5K and you could do an Ed.Ld Masters there for about USD$9K, all part time and all online/distance allowing you to work at the same time as doing them. However, I kno of no chemical engineering graduate program that you could do online or by distance, meaning youd have to attend in residence, and thats likely to take you out of the classroom for at least 2 years.

4) The MA provisional credential authorizes you to provide instructional services in a K-12 regulated DS. Whether its nature and what you did to get it is something an ISs leadership and/or policy will vary. It is the least expensive and least resource intensive option.

5) A Masters will get you an increase on the salary scale in the Kingdom, it will increase your marketability and your resumes utility. Is not having one in the Kingdom a deal breaker, no not by a long shot.
I imagine a Masters in chemical engineering would probably improve your marketability in Engineering in the Kingdom if you have a skill set or experience that an employer there wants.
A Masters is a Masters is a Masters, either Masters will get you the higher salary band. A chemical engineering masters would probably help you more if applying for a science/chemistry appointment than an education Masters would, but in anything else an education Masters is going to be more marketable.

6) A Masters in chemical engineering isnt going to help you get into Uni teaching. You need a doctorate to do anything notable or make a career out of it within engineering. Youd be better off with an education degree or a TESOL Masters that will get you into a Uni teaching English a lot faster and easier than a masters in chemical engineering.

Well number 3 "Obtain another US/UK credential that may possibly allow me a Canadian credential backdoor option as well, and work in KSA until maybe I can work in Canada as a teacher." is a non starter. There is no such route or pathway.

Number 4 "Go back to Engineering school for a year, try my luck working as an engineer in Canada" seems random and depends a lot more on luck and things just working out.

That leaves 1 and 2 and theyre both complex so breaking them down:

A) If your going back to CAN this summer, than a stop in the US to take the MTEL and get the MA provisional credential, that effectively is a lifetime credential is going to take you a couple days and a few hundred USD outside of travel costs. Its a very low investment and cost for a lot of gain, that you can just keep without any real maintenance.

B) Im going to group all the masters degrees programs together, because while they differ it really comes down to do you want to pay and do a Masters program? You dont need one to be an IT in the Kingdom, you maybe need one to be a chemical engineer. You can teach in the Kingdom while doing an online Masters in Education.

C) You can get a teaching appointment in the Kingdom now probably.

The real question is do you want to be an IT/DT or do you want to be an engineer and what are you going to want to do after the Kingdom, engineering or teaching. Which ever one you pick, thats your answer.
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