Job offer made and then...silence!

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Re: Job offer made and then...silence!

Post by cms989 »

I have the signed contract, in PDF.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Job offer made and then...silence!

Post by Thames Pirate »

They might still be hiring, but a follow up to ensure they received the contract might not be a bad thing. Beyond that you will probably start receiving info in March. Maybe a bit later. But you can do lots of research on your own.
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Post by PsyGuy »


If you have the executed contract, thats it, youre done, thats all you get.

Some ISs are better organized and send out periodical information including housing literature, introduce you to a property agent. Copies of the insurance policy. Student, staff handbooks (If your bringing dependents). An introduction powerpoint or PDF to the city. Some ISs will connect you with a current IT that acts as your mentor (often in your department). You might get copies of curriculum and departmental guidance documents. Some ISs will register you for PD courses in advance (online IB workshops).
The next big contact from your IS will be to get your application and supporting documents for your visa and residence permit (often including the requirement for a CRB). After that or around the same time depending on country you will get the medical exam information and lab work. After that and your visa is approved or arrives. You get the flight and transportation contact when you fly out and possibly some information on your shipping/relocation allowances.
Thats it welcome to IE, you are now both a better educator and a better human being.
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Re: Job offer made and then...silence!

Post by cms989 »

Thanks all that's about what I expected, just felt weird to not hear anything. But they don't have enough foreign teachers to warrant a welcome packet etc. I asked an unrelated question to a fellow teacher there so once I hear back I'll assume everything is fine. Also feels weird to quit my job based on a PDF file, but there it is.
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Post by PsyGuy »


As opposed to leaving your job over a few sheets of paper domestically?
If you want the equivalent experience (and feeling less weird), print the PDF contract and paperclip it to the inside of a file folder thats labeled IE contract.
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Re: Job offer made and then...silence!

Post by Nomad68 »

It doesn't hurt in these circumstances to email the school with a few 'follow up' questions about prepping for the year ahead, or related to the forthcoming move/living situation. If they don't bother to reply or even acknowledge that contact then that would be a concern but in my experience it has been the norm that replies have been slow.
@ShadowJack: I am still in the sandbox, moving to Qatar with the next job but that will hopefully be my last one out here until I try for Europe (or Asia) at a later stage.
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