Not-for Profit Schools in SE Asia

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Post by PsyGuy »

Utter BS Bunk of an admin snake oil con, peddling propaganda, pitching the corporate line whose entire premise is founded on the notion of "trust us, were admins". The only truth of @walters entire rhetoric is the "cheap" part. As if admins get to define IE by fiat because they sit in the big chair. There are countless events where ITs got shorted their last month wages and departing benefits because the IS closed its doors all with a shrug because whats left of ownership can afford lawyers, and ITs without a job or salary nor an IS to maintain their visas or renew then have to head back to their HOR, if its not true than why is their a paid evaluation side of this side, how about you start looking there, if all leadership and admins are so noble why does this site even exist, because its defacto evidence of at best mismanagement and worst (and most likely) of misconduct.

Just more smoke and mirrors and fear mongering.
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Re: Not-for Profit Schools in SE Asia

Post by Walter »

Dave, Dave, Dave, careful or you’ll burst your corset. I know you have a bit of a crush on Sen. Ted and want to be seen to defend him, and I know that after your last, aborted, position you’re unhappy with administrators but really, why such anger?

All I pointed out was that the claim of Vernacular: “Unless a school is completely funded by a state or charitable institution, someone somewhere somehow, is making a profit” is quite simply not true, by any reasonable definition of “not=for-profit”, and that Senator Ted’s ready affirmation: “Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer true non-profit international schools anywhere in the world” is equally foolish.

When I began (can it be that it was oh so simple then), the number of for-profit schools was minuscule, and international education was dominated by not-for-profits. Those same not-for-profits are still there – think IS Amsterdam, AS Hague, IS Brussels, AS Paris, Frankfurt IS, IS Dusseldorf, IS Hamburg, Bonn IS, Zurich IS, ICS Zurich, IS Geneva, AS Madrid, Vienna IS, AIS Vienna, AS Budapest, IS Prague – the list goes on and on in Europe. And I can give you another list in Africa and South/Central America and Asia. None of those schools has become a for-profit in any way, and I defy you to show otherwise.

And now you use words like “bunk” and “admin snake oil” and “propaganda” and accuse me of lying and administrators in general of mismanagement and misconduct. Why Dave, if I thought you really meant it, I’d be hurt!

I have never sought to claim that international education is Paradise Regained. More accurately, when it’s good, it’s very, very good and when it’s bad, it’s horrid. Most of the horrid is in the world of the for-profits. Most of the very, very good is in the not-for-profit sector. It’s there that you are more likely to find administrators who work hard, love their jobs and look after their teachers. It’s there you are more likely to find Boards that insist on things being done properly in terms of financial regularity and adherence to labor code. Even if I wanted to (and I most certainly don’t!), my Board would never let me ride roughshod over faculty and staff or play fast and loose with our financial responsibilities.

I know, Dave, that you’ve never taught in a decent school, and given your record you likely never will, but believe me, the grass really is greener in schools like the one I work in - and there are many of them.
Posts: 10797
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:51 am
Location: Northern Europe


Post by PsyGuy »


Your conclusions and observations are inaccurate to the point of misrepresentation. The prior contributors points are far closer to accurate

You dont know what you think you know, and every thing you do know was 30 years ago.
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