Effect of Brexit on WE teaching job market?

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Re: Effect of Brexit on WE teaching job market?

Post by expatscot »

angelica1981 wrote:
> I'm American and haven't had any problems getting jobs in WE. I'm not
> unusual in this because I've worked in several WE schools that had majority
> American staff or split US/UK staff.

That's because you're already there and it's relatively easy if you already have a visa, especially for the Schengen countries. If you're from the UK, and either already teaching abroad or just looking to move, anecdotally it's more difficult now for someone from the UK to get a Schengen visa after Brexit than for someone from the US or Canada.

It's why we hate Bumblin' Boris. He is so incompetent, he's even incompetent at being incompetent.
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Re: Effect of Brexit on WE teaching job market?

Post by angelica1981 »

expatscot wrote:
> angelica1981 wrote:
> > I'm American and haven't had any problems getting jobs in WE. I'm not
> > unusual in this because I've worked in several WE schools that had majority
> > American staff or split US/UK staff.
> That's because you're already there and it's relatively easy if you already have a
> visa, especially for the Schengen countries. If you're from the UK, and either
> already teaching abroad or just looking to move, anecdotally it's more difficult now
> for someone from the UK to get a Schengen visa after Brexit than for someone from the
> US or Canada.
> It's why we hate Bumblin' Boris. He is so incompetent, he's even incompetent at being
> incompetent.

No, that isn't how it works. The visa is tied to my place of employment. There isn't a blanket Schengen visa that I can use to move from school to school in Europe. Each time I moved to a new school, they needed to go through the visa process for me to work there, which involved all of the same tedious background checks, etc. even though I was moving from one Schengen school to another. Actually being in the country working at one school now doesn't really give me any advantage regarding visas if I move to another EU school.

I don't think it would be more difficult for a UK teacher to get a visa in an EU country than for an American to get one, and neither does my friend in HR I asked this morning. It's just that now the UK and US teachers are obliged to go through the same process and the schools have to apply for work visas for each.

I suppose it removes a slight advantage that pre-Brexit UK teachers might once have had, but it doesn't make securing an EU job impossible for UK teachers now. The schools need you and many schools are already accustomed to the work visa process and have business or HR members who have been handling those things for US teachers for years. They won't see UK teachers as suddenly undesirable now.
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Re: Effect of Brexit on WE teaching job market?

Post by shadowjack »

angelica1981 wrote:

> I suppose it removes a slight advantage that pre-Brexit UK teachers might once have
> had, but it doesn't make securing an EU job impossible for UK teachers now. The
> schools need you and many schools are already accustomed to the work visa process and
> have business or HR members who have been handling those things for US teachers for
> years. They won't see UK teachers as suddenly undesirable now.

Except for the UK 'British School of...' that now has massive headaches, relatively speaking, recruiting staff when it was a doddle before...
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Post by PsyGuy »

Yes that is how it works. Being there makes it much easier than applying from OS.
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