The Job Search is Not Going Well...

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The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by Awildsheepchase112 »

I will keep this short. I am an active member on TIE, ISS, AND Search Associates. I have applied to over 70 jobs in Asia and the MIddle East on ISS, over 20 on TIE, and over 15 on Search since November 2019. I have had only three interviews so far, one rejection, and two schools ghosted me after the interview. Is this normal?

Secondly, I have been especially trying to get a job in Bangkok since I used to live there, and I am eager to move back but I have heard NOTHING from any Thai schools. I think I applied to every Thai opening I am qualified to teach (around 30 jobs) and even reached out to principals / schools directly when the options was presented. NOTHING!

To give you a little background, I have a BA in Literature, a M.Ed in Secondary Education, a teaching licence, two years experience in the states, and three years ESL experience in Thailand.

Side Note: ISS seems like the least useful out of the three based on the fact that I have spent the most time on that site, but gotten zero interviews. TIE is the cheapest, but I have gotten all three of my interviews from them. Search has gotten me 1, but that is still scheduled (not occured yet).
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by sid »

You are a little bit short on experience but not short enough to make it an easy explanation. Your esl time doesn’t really count, unfortunately, as schools want regular classroom teaching experience, not language schools. English can also be a tough subject area as there are always tons of candidates at every price point.
I recommend asking your Search associate for a chat. She should be able to provide some insight on what the issue is. Could be a bad reference, could be you’re applying to the wrong schools, could be your cover letter or personal statement need adjustment, could be a combo.
Good luck.
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by shadowjack »


Keep plugging away. There is a job for you out there - maybe not where you want it, but somewhere. Experienced people on the move are still being placed. You are not a strong candidate (sorry), so you will eventually land something, but maybe not until late March or April after all the other pieces have been shuffled.

The good news is the more experience you have and solid references on Search from parents and admin, the sooner you often (but not always) get placed.

Good luck and keep plugging away!
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by Awildsheepchase112 »

shadowjack wrote:
. You are not a strong candidate (sorry), so you will eventually land something, but maybe not
> until late March or April after all the other pieces have been shuffled.

Is that because I just need more experience?
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by vandsmith »

Awildsheepchase112 wrote:
> shadowjack wrote:
> . You are not a strong candidate (sorry), so you will eventually land something, but
> maybe not
> > until late March or April after all the other pieces have been shuffled.
> >
> Is that because I just need more experience?

assuming that your CV/resume and references are all good, then yes. it's a unusual that you wouldn't have more interviews. maybe you're limiting your geographical search too much?

i got my last posting in early april, so there's always a chance.

good luck!

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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by Philzim »

Speaking from a school in BKK (we're just finishing up recruiting for this year) - my advice is get more experience , preferably in the public school system in The States. 2 years experience is just not enough for our school for most positions. If you were to take high school classes we'd want you to have taken at least a couple of cohorts through to exam before joining us. Secondly, play down that ESL experience, imo it doesn't play particularly well in good Bangkok schools. ESL says to me - "wants to travel first, and teaching is just a means to that end". This may be completely unfair, but if it is then ESL needs to be counterbalanced with demonstrated commitment to pedagogy in classroom - such as 6+ years in a government school classroom, preferably in your home country.
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by shadylane »

I'd agree with that. Many international schools in good locations with reasonable or good packages may prefer 5+ years experience.
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by Fstop »

Do you have IB experience? If not, then you're not going to get many (if any) offers, I'm afraid. Thailand is a highly competitive country. I also teach English. A few years ago, when I left my international teaching post in Phuket, my principal said that there were hundreds of applications for my position. My advice is to try elsewhere.
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by Awildsheepchase112 »

After reading some of the comments, I will continue to look for jobs in Thailand, around Asia, and in the Middle East. I have made peace with the fact that Thailand will most likely not be happening for several years. However, staying in the States is completely out of the question. I have a wife in Thailand and staying in North America is a financial nightmare on a teachers salary if you need to make trips back to Bangkok twice a year. I will miss my students and school here in the States, but I cannot continue to stay here. It does not make sense in my situation on personal or financial level.

So, with that said, I am getting some interest from schools in Kuwait, UAE, Myanmar, Indonesia, and some schools in China (although they keep asking me to apply on their websites). I am willing to work hard and gain valuable experience along the way, but I also do not want to be taken advantage of at a school. Any advice?

Also, I don't really play up my ESL experience, but I am unwilling to scrap it from my resume. It accounts for three years of my life, and I think it shows that I am willing to live abroad.

As far as IB experience, I suppose I would need to get my foot in the door to an international school that uses it? Because it seems very rare here in the states, but I am new so what do I know....
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by shadowjack »

"Is it because I just need more experience?

Yes. Also, if you are applying for levels you haven't taught, that makes it harder again.

For those areas - some of those schools are sinkholes - or as we call them - bargepole schools - meaning you wouldn't want to touch them, even with a bargepole.

Good luck! It's never over until it's over. You also might want to try TIEonline... 39 bucks...

As to your wife in Thailand - mentioning her to Thai schools might = local hire with no international benefits. Does she have a US passport? So she can come with you when you come and not be Thai?
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by vandsmith »

well if getting into an international school doesn't work before the next school year, you could at least go and do ESL and keep applying to schools - maybe get some substitute work at the school of your choice.

good luck!

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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by sid »

Any advice, you ask.
Well, since you asked...


You give a pretty big list of what you don’t want, what you want, what doesn’t work for you. Truth is, right now, you might not be in a position to satisfy everything on that list.

You might be able to get some of what you want, by sacrificing others. So prioritize. What is truly at the top of your list?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Thailand and the rest of IE has many ISs that arent IB and IB experience isnt necessary. A lot of 2nd tier ISs are IB ISs so IB bridges an ITs career from third too first tier, but you arent there yet.

Your resume is just very lite. I get it, you left your wife (do you have kids?) got a credential and then taught on the other side of the globe, and youve sacrificed a lot to do so, but doing that doesnt mean anything, it doesnt entitle you to the whole cupcake plus the hello kitty sprinkles.

Your really going about it the wrong way, if LOS is your goal. With a Thai spouse youre not going to get a OSH package for the ISs your marketable too anyway. You just need to go back to LOS get a job teaching ESOL and apply locally for IT vacancies.
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Re: The Job Search is Not Going Well...

Post by tangchao »

I get your reasoning with including the TEFL job, but I doubt it will do you many favours in Thailand, or anywhere else. Schools may think that you expect to be paid for five years' experience instead of two.
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