Master's degree options while in Asia

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Re: Master's degree options while in Asia

Post by National »

I just want to clarify. I’m not trying to pull anything over on anyone. I’ve used this degree in three countries to get my work visa and it’s never come up. I’ve never been asked if my degree was earned through an online program. No country or school asked and none looked into it, and honestly, until this thread, I never thought of it as a possible issue or something I needed to clarify. Additionally, I’ve never needed my masters for the work visa, but have used it because the countries ask for the highest degree. If I needed a traditional degree, I could always use my bachelors. Also, the program I completed could be done in person or online. I suppose someone could call up the university, but nothing in my paperwork denotes online and I’m not sure why a school or country would call up the university, unless they were suspicious and have a rule/law against online degrees. I just feel like there’s a bit of scaremongering going on about online degrees. I can speak from personal experience and from situations from multiple colleagues who’ve all been fine with online masters. Are there degrees and countries where this might come up and be an issue, sure. Is it likely if you choose a reputable university? Probably not. If your option is no masters or a quality online one, I think having a masters is better.
I’m not interested in getting into an argument, just wanted to provide details of my personal experience so there are multiple views to clarify the situation in the real world.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Theres nothing to obfuscate, Certificate, Qualification, Credential, and License are not "made up" you can find them in any number of dictionaries. Your lack of sophistication is not compelling. The certificate that you receive from a state regulatory authority is not the same certificate you get from some institute, or the IBO or the PTC, etc. Its a credential because it admits you to the profession.

Looking at the following example. A candidate in England gets a degree in maths this is a qualification, it documents that at some snapshot in time you completed a set of requirements. It doesnt mean 20 years later you will still know any of what you learned or that you could actually do anything you studied, as your knowledge and skills are likely to be outdated, but at that time on the date of conferment you met whatever the criteria where.
Moving on our candidate completes a SCD ITT program that awards QTS. A credential is admission to practice a profession, it subjects you to ongoing and continuing standards. Really evil people can have degrees and qualifications in education and teaching, it doesnt mean we want them as members of the profession or even that they should be part of the profession.
Now our DT has their credential and is licensed to practice as a DT and does so. Which is the authorization to provide (in the case of education) instructional services. Our DT gets involved with a student however and the TCL after an investigation and hearing issues a baring order against the DT, which prohibits them from providing instructional services in a K12/KS environment. The DT still has their qualification (their degree) and still has QTS (their credential) but they are no longer licensed and are not authorized to provide instructional services to children.

Getting back to the main point, ISs dont universally have applications and the ones that do can just as easily have a checkbox asking if your degree was earned online or by distance learning, and you havent examined every DT/IT application, nor are your claims self authenticating.


neither @SJ or I ever claimed that it would come up every or even any time. You may never have been asked but their are ITs who have and there are several posts from members on the forum who could not get their online degrees recognized and their visa applications were denied. They would contact the University to verify the degree, the program and the time and method of delivery, because they either want to or they have to.

I dont think its something you need to clarify, and even if asked I dont think you have an obligation to answer honestly a question you shouldnt have to answer or clarify.
I also agree if the choice is no Masters or an online Masters, as long as the Masters is accredited than its a much better position than none at all.
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