Moving back to North America?

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Moving back to North America?

Post by Corniche348 »

What? And give up the Expat life? Hear me out - and offer any advice. I've been overseas for 15 years teaching at top international schools. I've been quite fortunate.

I'm looking to move into administration and it's been fairly challenging - partly because I want to stay in top tier schools and seem to come up, understandably, against candidates who have 'VP' experience.

So I'm looking at moving back to Canada in a VP role - and then who knows - maybe go back out after a few years - or stay and live the good life :) The pension is hard to ignore. As is the International lifestyle. Choices choices.

So I ask you - is it a good move to go back, get VP experience in a public school, and then go back out - will that be marketable?

And would love to hear any stories from people who have perhaps headed back to NA - thanks all.
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Re: Moving back to North America?

Post by jbiersteker »

Depends entirely on the public school. I moved back after 6 years, worked there 13 years, and am now in year 5 of being back overseas. I would say that the first 8/13 were quite good, but things started to deteriorate quickly in Ontario public education which motivated me to take my family back out overseas. No school/system is perfect, but the student body overseas tends to have less "dramatic" issues than what one may experience in North America. Seeing as you have been away for 15 years, it might be a tough transition.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Do you have an AP/VP/DP appointment available or is this all speculative?

Assuming its all speculative whats the difference between going back to a CAN DS and pursuing a senior leadership role at a lower tier IS? I have to think it depends on the DS and IS but since youve offered nothing to compare it too its really hard to say which is the better opportunity. If it was a top rated DS in Vancouver or Ontario compared to some third tier train wreck of an IS in the ME, Id side on the CAN route. If its some at risk DS in Toronto compared to some third tier floater IS in China, Id side with the IS. This assumes you have competing offers and so far from what I understand this is essentially an academic exercise.

My position since its coming down to returning to DE, is to first look at lower tier ISs for senior leadership opportunities.
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Re: Moving back to North America?

Post by Corniche348 »

Thanks JB for the reply - appreciated. I do wonder about the transition back, and would be going with eyes open.

Part of the decision process is also retirement - If I have 20 years left of working, and want to live a fairly comfortable life, it's either have a pension or save approximately 1.2 million CAD. That's a tough one, and a pension that is worth around $4-5K a month in Canada equates to about having 1.2 million saved give or take. It's almost like sacrificing now for future pleasures or enjoy the IS life and hope for the best later on.

The other thing is the school my kids will attend - obvious benefits from going to a top tier international school (albeit in a very Urban environment) - and also benefits from attending a public school that is surrounded by amazing nature, enough extra curricular, and solid schools to not worry too much about what they are 'missing out' on.

Of course as many have noted, nothing is forever - it would be easy to go back, get 3-5 years admin experience, have all my previous Int'l experience, and then see about getting back into admin at an International School and be able to sit back and wait until I get an offer I like - without having to worry as I'd always have my current job.

Choices choices. Thanks all for your time.
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Post by PsyGuy »


If youve got 20 years and you have to do all of the 1.2M CAD, you need 6 figure coin to do it reasonably in 20 years and thats assuming about a 3% ROI (not unrealistic but aggressive) in some kind of investment portfolio. Thats actual banked coin not just pretax, thats hard to do in IE, some Elites, the ME. Getting a pension is easier in the EU/WE but youd be looking at between 10-20 years that you would need to be there doing that. Of course that kind of salary is more readily available in leadership than faculty. Seems like your comparing models with higher risk but no appreciable difference on return?
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Re: Moving back to North America?

Post by Rob »

If you did move back to North America, and let's say your experience with admin in NA is not what you thought it would be. You could still return overseas with your family. That option is always there. However, you might always wonder if you made the wrong choice if you stay overseas.

After living and teaching in Singapore for 24 years (my last overseas teaching post), I thought I'd have a rough time adjusting to North America, but living near Vancouver and being such an international city, I sometimes forget I'm in North America. I'm not sure if you would have that same experience though. At any rate, it's something that is certainly not going to destroy your career.

God luck in your choice.
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