Talk Me Down Off the Ledge

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Talk Me Down Off the Ledge

Post by justlooking »

So my wife and I have decided we need to move on from our jobs in the middle east. We're an American couple, certified, with about 15 years experience. I'm certified for secondary math and English, she is certified to teach PE for K-12, excellent references. We haven't found a ton of job matches in schools we'd like to go to, but we have found some.

We're not going to a job fair. I spoke to a lot of people and read a lot about this issue before making this decision. EVeryone said any experienced teaching couple with good references would get scooped up before the job fair.

Here's the problem: We haven't heard from anyone! My wife is OK, but I'm starting to panic. We don't want to stay where we are, but we have to make a committment to leave in the next few weeks. Although I didn't expect a job offer by now, I did expect to hear from a few schools or have some skype interviews scheduled.

What do you think? For those of you who went the non-job fair route, when did you get contacted? interviewed? job offers? If I don't hear anything before the major fairs, should I assume that all the good jobs will be gone?

We don't have a job or home to go back to in the U.S. Help!!!!
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Post by Traveller1 »

Hi, welcome to the world of living internationally ... The only certainty is uncertainty! :)

"Here's the problem: We haven't heard from anyone!"
So who have you applied to? If you're applying to the 'top tier' schools bear in mind that they can afford to wait until the 'perfect match' for their vacant positions comes along.

How long ago did you apply? Sometimes your application may not be a top priority for the school right at the moment.

Its true that the recruiting season has started earlier and there are a number of schools posting vacancies now but there are lots of schools that just haven't got there yet. They should at least acknowledge your letter of interest out of courtesy but they may have just put it on the pending file, waiting to see what their staffing needs are likely to be. Although it sounds terrible some Directors feel that they don't have time to acknowledge 30 (or more) letters of interest.

We're only half way through November so don't jump just yet. I've been doing this for 15 years and at times I've been surprised at the speed of the response of a school but I've also received a reply from a school 3 months after I contacted them.
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Post by Traveller1 »

Where are you looking? There are Maths and English positions being advertised at the moment.

I see from the TIEONLINE website that the International School of Kenya are advertising for 4 Maths positions, 2 High School and 2 Middle School, and a High School English/ Social Studies position.
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Post by justlooking »

Thanks for the advice. Only problem is they are not posting PE positions. I can't apply for something if they don't have something for my wife, right?
Posts: 93
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Post by Traveller1 »

Hi Justlooking

Sorry, I misread your post, thinking you were a Maths teacher and her an English and PE teacher. It does make your situation more complicated, which translates into possibly having to wait longer for the right job combination to be posted. Which is probably why you haven't heard from anyone just yet.
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Post by Overhere »

I would expect more postings in the next week or two. Contracts are being issued and other teachers, in the same boat as you, are being forced to make the decision on whether to stay or go. If you are committed to going then I am sure you will find an good fit for you.
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Post by Candycane »

I am speculating here....I would imagine that recruiters would go to the early job fairs before seriously considering you.....unless you REALLY stood out to them. The early fairs are quite attractive for teaching couples. Maybe they feel that they should wait until after the fairs before they start SKYPE interviews???
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