Which degree is more marketable?

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Which degree is more marketable?

Post by grizzlyhare »

Hi everyone,

I've just returned back to the states after many years abroad teaching ESL to pursue a Masters in the Arts of Teaching, an alternative masters route to certification for those of us who don't have a B.A. in Education. My specialization is English Literature for high school grades 9-12.

My goal is to work at international schools abroad (I'm flexible as to where, aside from ME) as an English Literature teacher at the high school level and eventually transition to working as a Lit. teacher at the university level at some point in the future.

In a recent discussion with a department head, I was told an M.A. in English would be much more desirable for employers at the university level (and that I could still get my certification with a few tests Praxis, etc.). I'm not sure how true that would be internationally or if my MAT certification (curriculum mostly consisting of pedagogy) is the way to go. Would love to hear some input. Thanks.
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Re: Which degree is more marketable?

Post by chilagringa »

For teaching high school, an MA in teaching. For university, an MA in English.

Whatever you do, don't tell potential international school employers that your ultimate goal is teaching college. That would turn them right off of hiring you.
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Re: Which degree is more marketable?

Post by grizzlyhare »

Thanks for the response. I know that's the case here in the states (the purposes and uses of the two degrees), but just wasn't sure if the same applied abroad. And, no, I wouldn't mention any of this in an interview :)
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Post by PsyGuy »

Neither of them, both are bad options for what you want to do.
Unis like to sell degrees, thats what they are in the business of doing. Of course they will want to push an MAT as the way to get certified. Thats a USD$20K+ and 2 years waste of resources. The rule is a Masters or any advance degree should do more than get you in a classroom. If your going to do a Masters than do one in Library (good choice) or Counselor, or Leadership or Technology.
You can easily get credentialed much easier faster and cheaper. A couple of IE alternative (ACP) programs exist and take about a year and cost about USD$5K, these are skills based programs. Thee is probably one in your home region as well. The other option is assessment based and yes you can get credentialed in UT or MA by taking certification exams which would be a total cost of a few hundred USD and a couple days of work.
As far as IE is concerned assuming your 1st/UG degree is in literature than how you get credentialed doesnt really matter. At that point the M.Lit would be more valuable than an MAT. An MAT is more the subject advanced degree for primary ITs/DTs.

A M.Lit for Uni is a non-starter. There are Ph.Ds who struggle to put together enough courses as adjuncts to pay their bills. if Uni is what you want to do then you need a doctorate of some type Either a Ph.D or a DFA.

The only option of the ones you inquired about is the M.Lit, which will earn you the same salary band increase as any other Masters and will also prepare you for entry into a Lit. doctorate program should you wish to pursue that in the future. There are far cheaper and less intensive means of getting credentialed.
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