Crashing a fair.....

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Mr DepTrai

Crashing a fair.....

Post by Mr DepTrai »

I was wondering if anyone has ever crashed the BKK fair? I am reading mixed reviews lately about how the fairs are just a big joke now and only used by admin as a break away from work. I dont really want to waste a few hundreds bucks on the big 2 if Im better off just contacting by Skype.

If you did crash it or would you do it?
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Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by sitka »

Assuming you're traveling to the fair, that seems like a big risk when the fair is included in your Search fees.
Mr DepTrai

Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by Mr DepTrai »

Not Search member, but live in BKK area traveling fees
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Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by jimmycajun »

Although I have not yet been to a fair, I imagine there would be some degree of registration required. may walk into the may talk with schools and may schedule an interview, but when the time comes for recruiters to do further background checks via databases (Search and ISS) and youre nowhere to be found, I suspect that may raise some red flags.
Mr DepTrai

Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by Mr DepTrai »

Ya, thinking the same thing....might just bite the bullet and send them $200
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Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Most schools (or at least those that you would actually want to work for, unless you are truly desperate) at a fair would immediately reject and possibly report an actual fair crasher (someone that just walked in cold and tried to set up an interview).

You could possibly get a decent response if you contacted schools that would be attending and told them that you are in the area, would welcome a chance to meet/interview but are unable to officially attend the convention.

Fairs are becoming less relevant but there are still many positions filled at fairs every year and more connections made that lead to eventual offers. Yes, do try to get a position on your own via Skype etc but in the realm and scope of things a few hundred dollars for a Search membership and fair invitation is relatively insignificant when trying to maximize your chances at an optimal work/life opportunity.
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Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by sid »

WT1 is right. Don't try to crash. Just contact schools ahead of time and set things up.
Crashing the fair, as in trying to get into the ballroom during interview signup time, trying to attend the social event, or access the recruiter mailboxes, or attending info sessions... Well, it's not a good idea. You need an access name tag to get into any of those areas. And the agencies are not above naming and shaming. At maybe 40 or 50 % of fairs, they put up signs and send out emails to all recruiters with names, photos and sins. It's NOT how you want to get your name known in the international teaching community.
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Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by sid »

Maybe it's less than 40%. I don't know. The fairs blur...
But they do it whenever they identify a crashed.
Mr DepTrai

Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by Mr DepTrai »

Duly-noted....was just an idea. I wouldnt know how to properly "crash" one anyways..

In the grand scope, $200 isnt much

But how would you I be able to know which schools would be attending prior in order to notify them that I live in the area and would like a chance to chat??
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Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by shadowjack »

At the Bangkok fair in 2013, the names of 3 crashers were published and warnings issued.

That said, if you are signed up with Search, or ISS, there is nothing prohibiting you from meeting directors outside of the fair time frame. So you could arrange to meet with them prior to the fair, or after the fair if they are staying another day.

Good luck!
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Re: Crashing a fair.....

Post by peachestotulips »

Mr DepTrai wrote:
> But how would you I be able to know which schools would be attending prior
> in order to notify them that I live in the area and would like a chance to
> chat??

Search, ISS, and UNI all publish a list of 'Schools Attending' their fairs that is public on their websites.
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