Hanova International Department of Bodi School, X'ian, China

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Re: Hanova International Department of Bodi School, X'ian, C

Post by jimmifoo »

Hi Eion
Adding to the previous post. The other more professional staff members left too. It just wasn’t the place it used to be.
Good Luck
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Re: Hanova International Department of Bodi School, X'ian, C

Post by PsyGuy »

I will just concur that in such schools, the foreign HOS is just a figure head who is there for appearance, and to deliver the message. Not a bad appointment if your a new admin and can do the bobble head.
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Re: Hanova International Department of Bodi School, X'ian, C

Post by tangchao »

eion_padraig wrote:
> But Tangchao made it sound like such a great place to work after he worked
> so hard to win me over. Now, I don't know what to think.
> Jimmifoo, the teachers who end up at a place like Hanova International
> School either never make it to this website or are so desperate they take
> the job anyway so your post probably won't help. I'm sure your Bo'Ai
> Christian International School is much better where they wouldn't even
> think to offer professional development to teachers.
> Good times.

No I didn't! No one could care less about winning you over!
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Re: Hanova International Department of Bodi School, X'ian, C

Post by tangchao »

jimmifoo wrote:

> For Parents
> Hanova International School (XiAn, China) is turning from bad to worse.
> School has a lot of unofficial holidays dedicated to teacher training.

There are scheduled PD days like virtually every other international school on the planet has.

> Can’t they do it during the school holidays?

Why don't you work on your holidays foo?

> They force parents to pay a
> lot of extra fees that are unreasonable. We pay computer fees, but there
> were no computer lessons.

Yes there are. Every kid had an apple laptop whilst the fees were charged.

> We pay field trip fees when there is no field
> trip.

Yes there are. They have been to Thailand, Foping, and will go to Guilin and Sichuan this year.

> This is a lousy school. They even have pornography books in the
> school library. This is not acceptable for me.

NO THERE ARE NOT! I think I know who wrote this now.

> If you happen to be in this
> School, watch your invoices, they will always quietly over charge you in
> areas that you may over look like exchange rates and lunch fees which you
> tell them not to include. If your company pays, they make sure you check
> the invoices as they will always overbill.

Of course you should check your invoices. This would be good advice wherever you are.

> They have no textbooks and are
> quite disorganized.

Yes, there are textbooks here. There are quite a good supply of them in fact.

> Other schools like XiAn International School are a
> better choices. If you live in the northern part, there is a Christian
> international called Bo Ai school there.

I don't think Bo Ai is Christian, but Xian IS is. Neither of them are IB schools. Hanova is now DP accredited.

> Avoid whenever possible Hanova. Just beware that they never keep their promises.

Whenever possible? Well it's always possible.

> For Teachers
> Hanova International School (XiAn, China) lacks the essentials of true
> international school. It is run by a Local Chinese Management who seeks to
> turn the school into a money making machine.

Actually she has lost money on it every year. She throws a lot into this. It must be nice to tear down people who are trying to build something out of their own pocket.

> Quality education and customer service is going down with cost cutting to maximize profit.

No, in fact, more and more teachers are being employed and a new campus is being built.

> Although there
> is an English principal, he cannot overwrite management decision.

She does own the school. So that makes her the executive.

> The
> environment is now non-organic and very bureaucratic. So make sure you get
> a good deal before you make a the jump.

Of course get a good deal. That would go for anywhere.
Last edited by tangchao on Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hanova International Department of Bodi School, X'ian, C

Post by tangchao »

Anyway, Jimmifoo may well be a parent whose kid was recently shown the door here. We've sent off a few here as they were not able to pull their socks up despite fair warning. These not-so-stellar kids have wound up at places like Xi'an IS and Bo Ai who are pleased to take them due to their tiny number of enrolments.
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Re: Hanova International Department of Bodi School, X'ian, C

Post by tangchao »

PsyGuy wrote:
> I will just concur that in such schools, the foreign HOS is just a figure
> head who is there for appearance, and to deliver the message. Not a bad
> appointment if your a new admin and can do the bobble head.

You don't know what sort of school this is PsyGuy as you simply haven't been here. Reading a post from a disgruntled parent qualifies you in this regard not one iota.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes, I do because I dont have to step in the poo to see it or smell it from a distance. being an admin cheerleader doesnt qualify you as an objective observer.

Examining your response:

1) The issue is "a lot" or the quantity of unscheduled teacher training days. Whats there to train, if you ahve teachers who know what they are doing?

2) The issue isnt computer HARDWARE, its computer and technology education. Buying laptops at discount, marking them up and dumping them on a student with a "here you go" is not education.

3) I wouldnt call those areas field trips. Who went on the field trips? EVERYONE, Im getting the sense it wasnt, and you had "selective" participation.

4) Yes checking your invoice is good, a good practice, that doesnt give the finance office permission or make it a game. People shouldnt HAVE TO check their invoice for fear of being ripped off. It is unacceptable to play "how much can we rip off the employees and students".

5) Having a supply of textbooks and implementing their use are very different things.

6) Many of the BEST schools in the world are not IB schools.

7) Nice deflection but the issue of the OP was about the trust factor, not a play on words

8) How do you know she lost money? Because your an admin or admin cheerleader, or ownership. Thats how you know, and no one loses money, they invest money on future returns.

9) More and more teachers are being employed because you cant keep them. Schools invest in style like buildings when they know they cant offer quality substance, such as education. There are a number of beautiful schools that are horrible.
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Re: Response

Post by tangchao »

Judging by your post count I think I am wasting my time on someone who feels the need to troll every single post that has ever been made on this forum. But you are a little annoying. So here it is:

PsyGuy wrote:
> @tangchao
> Yes, I do because I dont have to step in the poo to see it or smell it from
> a distance.

Meaningless wordplay.

>being an admin cheerleader doesnt qualify you as an objective
> observer.

Really? I thought you bill yourself as admin mate?

> Examining your response:
> 1) The issue is "a lot" or the quantity of unscheduled teacher
> training days. Whats there to train, if you ahve teachers who know what
> they are doing?

Look, there is 180 contact days, which is in line with the rest of the international schools in China. There are about 5 PD days scheduled over the year. Surely you understand that professional development needs to take place to maintain proficiency... or don't they do that at Arhuus anymore?

> 2) The issue isnt computer HARDWARE, its computer and technology education.
> Buying laptops at discount, marking them up and dumping them on a student
> with a "here you go" is not education.

And no one said it was. We have dedicated tech teachers here and run the MYP so there is dedicated tech time.

> 3) I wouldnt call those areas field trips. Who went on the field trips?
> EVERYONE, Im getting the sense it wasnt, and you had "selective"
> participation.

Yes EVERYONE went. You wouldn't call Thailand a field trip? Really?!

> 4) Yes checking your invoice is good, a good practice, that doesnt give the
> finance office permission or make it a game. People shouldnt HAVE TO check
> their invoice for fear of being ripped off. It is unacceptable to play
> "how much can we rip off the employees and students".

Implying that we rip people off here behind the veil of internet anonymity from your desk in Denmark amounts to libel!

> 5) Having a supply of textbooks and implementing their use are very
> different things.

I really don't know where I'd be without your groundbreaking insights psyguy. Simply brilliant! I tremble in your shadow which is clearly cast by an educational giant.

> 6) Many of the BEST schools in the world are not IB schools.

... and many are.

> 7) Nice deflection but the issue of the OP was about the trust factor, not
> a play on words

Don't even know what this refers to.

> 8) How do you know she lost money? Because your an admin or admin
> cheerleader, or ownership. Thats how you know, and no one loses money, they
> invest money on future returns.

No. No. And nope. I am just a HoF here but am a little annoyed. As a founding member of this school we have put a lot of work in over 2.5 years, only to have a single disturbed parent take a cheap shot and you, a self-professed international school expert, join in with her. Infantile.

And yes mate. I hate to have to break this to you, but people do lose money.

> 9) More and more teachers are being employed because you cant keep them.
> Schools invest in style like buildings when they know they cant offer
> quality substance, such as education. There are a number of beautiful
> schools that are horrible.

No, again with the presumptions. Talking from the secondary school only here, we have gone from five full time teachers to close to 20 in two years.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its not meaningless because you deem it so, thats a typical admin approach of dismissivnes.

You would be wrong, but poor deflection by avoiding the question. Your an admin/admin cheerleader.

Is there 5 PD days or not, no "about" too it? It depends on the PD and what the proficiency is. Sitting around while an AP/coordinator or other admin rolls through a power-point is neither professional or developmental. What you consider PD may very likely be an exercise in combating boredom.

So which is it you stated before that IB wise you were DIP accredited, so is it DIP, MYP, or MYP and DIP?

You said it was, you wrote you bought Macbooks, you didnt write anything else.
"Tech time", is that admin speak for another power point that teaches nothing? How much tech time, is it conceptual technical information, or applied instruction students can actually use.

So EVERYONE went, but this parent claims they didnt, did their kid sneak out for a week, weekend?

Bad deflection again, another admin ploy, why answer when you can use empty threats. Implication in defamation claims is not legally sufficient to meet the statutory conditions of harm. You need ACTUAL libel, not inferred libel. Truth by the way is a complete defense.
Bad deflection again,

Ad hominom attacks are the hallmark of a poor position, typically considered too weak to withstand debate. So where are the textbooks.

No they arent, in the vast majority of regions the "American" school or "British" school is the best school in the region, rarely is the IB school the elite school.

No I wouldnt imagine youd know what trust, and being trustworthy refers too.

Head of Finance is an admin, which means yes and yes on the first too. Apparently not enough work.

Admins always classify parents they disagree with as disturbed or other negative clarification. When I hear such reports I typically have two conclusions, one the parents claims are accurate, or two the school (thats you) has done an INCREDIBLY poor job of communication, and relationship building. Neither one of those is good.

No mate people dont "lose" money, people allocate resources poorly, we call that failure.
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Re: Hanova International Department of Bodi School, X'ian, C

Post by tangchao »

HoF = Head of Faculty.

I really cannot be bothered with you anymore mate.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Still an admin position.
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