Best Cities for Older Women Interested in Dating

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Post by justateacher »

ouch, psy guy.

can anyone comment on oman, shanghai, new delhi, mumbai, addis ababa or johannesburg?
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Post by senator »

Sorry, Justateacher,
Shanghai - and most of Asia - is definitely NOT for "older" western woman interested in dating - unless you are interested in Chinese or Asian me. A lot of men in Asia, no matter their looks or age, want, and can get, young Asian women. Simple fact.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Oman: If your into VERY traditional male and female roles, meaning your husband is always right and your submissive and subserviant and can be traditional, then maybe, but the men arent known for treating their woman very well.

India: You would have to be interested in men at LEAST 10 years younger then you as most men are married in their 20s. Even so you would have to be very traditional and subservient in a a marriage with a man your age, such as a widower.

Johannesburg: If your looking for a european, understand that most men in your age group are on corporate expat packages or they are in senior management roles. For a teacher, you would really need to have some pseudo celebrity status going for you.

Shanghai: Of your locations this is the most likely. There is a fair amount of middle level business/tech expats available. The business guys tend to be married, but the tech guys tend to be single. You could get lucky, but most of them have an asian fetish, and youd really have a LOT more options back in the states or a western country.
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Post by Mathman »

I can't remember the statistic, but a significant number of married men that go to shanghai with their non-Asian wives end up divorced and happy with multiple girls just out of their teens.

Such is the talent pool in large Asian wouldn't really stand a chance unless somebody has a fetish. Sorry to be so cruel, but that is how it goes. Men don't think with their brains after all.....haha
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Post by escapeartist »

What an enlightening thread. Sure hope my American Stud boyfriend doesn't dump me while we're overseas, as options seem grim.

I'd probably be okay anyway since I'll be in Latino country and I do look like a supermodel. mean he's not with me for my brains?

Good luck, justateacher. It's justashame that men have it so easy.
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Post by Mr.Cake »

Over the weekend I was discussing the dating scene with a single, caucasian, US, early-thirties, female teacher here in Jakarta.

She said her experiences since arriving here last year have been rather depressing.

Western men, if sufficiently drunk, may want her for sex but the only men who have shown interesting in 'dating' have been of South Asian/African origin.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Just because Shanghai would be the best of your options, doesnt make it a good or easy option. Being an IT is just very depressing and unfavorable to woman.


Sorry we cant be that enlightening, were guys after all. Im sure you look like a model, but where in SCA are you going? There are a lot of drop dead beautiful model type woman in Brazil and Columbia. Im sure he loves you for many things other then your beauty, traits that you and only you possess and can offer him (at least every woman says/thinks before leaving).
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Post by Rover »

As a western male, I don´t really even have to consider this in where I might live, other than perhaps conservative muslim countries (e.g. Saudi, opposed to perhaps somewhere like Dubai). So, they are a no-no, for that and other reasons. Single females, however, tend to have it much tougher generally on the international teaching/general expat scene.

East Asia seems to be a poor option for Western women. From my experience, many seemed to find the dating options to be few there, as that is presuming they find Chinese/Asian men attractive which quite a lot, a majority I mean, did not seem to. This was in stark contrast to the expat men, of course, who almost all were smitten by local feminine charms.

Latin America seems to be the place to go. There are a lot of latinos who specifically like, and target, gringas and the culture is not as different to the likes of the US/UK as, say, your China or ME. Learn Spanish/Portugese right away, and chose a large-ish city and you might (not that it is ever easy) find the latino man of your dreams, as HAS happened to some female friends of mine, and that covers different South American countries. Plus Mexico actually, come to think of it.
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Post by chilagringa »

I would generally agree with the poster above on Latin America. It's a huge generalization, I know, but men in Latin American countries tend to like North American women. (It's been my observation that the majority of travelers/expats in Latin America tend to be women, while the opposite is true in East / SE Asia. This can hardly be a coincidence.)

I'm a bit younger myself, but I know plenty of 35+ women who have lived in various Latin countries, and all had dating success. There tends to be a lot of single guys 35+ in many Latin countries, partly because not everyone gets married anymore, partly because people are getting married later, and partly due to fairly high divorce rates. This is mostly based on my own experience in Mexico, but from what I've heard and seen it can be similar in many parts of Central / South America.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Yeah but my experience in SCA is seeing a lot of machismo from men in there 30s who have very traditional ideas about gender roles in marriage. I wouldnt say that men are superior than woman, but that men are "more equal" in a relationship. With that comes more "flexible" rules regarding fidelity for men then for women. If a man cheats its just men being men, if a woman cheats all kinds of bad words get thrown around.
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Post by chilagringa »

Well, I guess there is a bit more machismo, but I wouldn't call it off the charts or anything. Not enough to seriously affect dating potential, anyways. I guess it depends where you are, though. A big city with a large number of educated men will have a more promising dating pool.

As for cheating... I don't have a large enough sample size to make an accurate conclusion. But it's not like a fact of life that all latin men will cheat or anything. Like anywhere, there are those that will and those that won't.
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Re: Comment

Post by Shay »

[quote="PsyGuy"] SA guys can be real charmers but from what i hear they only pay lips service to the idea of fidelity.[/quote]

Amen to that. Brazilian men have the highest rate of infidelity in SA!
Been there, done that. Brazilian men even admit this of their own culture. I have many American girl friends who are in fact married to Brazilian men though and so far so good, so who knows. Hopefully it is okay for them or it could be that they just haven't been caught yet. I had a Brazilian guy friend tell me one time that if a Brazilian man is breathing and moving, he is cheating, has cheated or will cheat. It's ingrained in the culture and women are doing it now just as much as men there. The unspoken role is almost as if it is "don't bring anything home you didn't leave with" and all else will be ignored. Sad.

[quote="PsyGuy"] Its different for men, woman get old, men get mature and distinguished. Its totally not fair but its the way it is.[/quote]

There is only ONE guy this has happened to and that is George Clooney.
Most men do quite the opposite. They become bald, fat and lazy and then in their mid 30's and 40's, they try to prove they still have a functioning penis by downing pills of V***** and bedding little 20's so laughable and pathetic...LOL

George Clooney may have become more distinguished looking but any man that has slept with half of the women on the planet it seems and can't have a long term meaningful relationship is nothing but a man **ore in my opinion. I lost respect for him a long time ago.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Im told thats not true, and you should think about Daniel Craig. A lot of those 20 somethings woman go for men in their 40s, and i cant say the same is true in the reverse, though the "housewife effect" is gaining ground in Asia.
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Post by nikkor »

Two thoughts:
I know a youngish female living in the pudong part of shangers. She does just fine dating only euro and n American guys. I think it helps if you are at an elite level school and already go in those circles. Water always finds its level.

What about Bali? There are lots of western females (mostly Aussies I think) who date Balinese men. Strangely though, I didnt see many Balinese girls with western guys. In LTRs at least.
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Re: Comment

Post by Shay »

[quote="PsyGuy"]Im told thats not true, and you should think about Daniel Craig. A lot of those 20 somethings woman go for men in their 40s, and i cant say the same is true in the reverse, though the "housewife effect" is gaining ground in Asia.[/quote]

I myself would not consider Daniel Craig to be "all that" but that's just my PO. Of course he looks great when making the Bond movies but in all reality, we really cannot compare celebrity men, or women, for that matter to ordinary people. Celebrities have unlimited access to chefs, trainers, plastic surgeons, and the like to CREATE a perfect image and completely reverse or hold off aging. Ordinary people do not.

The ordinary male in his 30's and 40's certainly does not look like a celebrity. They are bald or balding, fat or getting fat and either works all the time or works and then comes home to sit on the couch or God forbid, a lot of them play Xbox now like a 12 year old. ridiculously childish.

Actually, even in my area there are many couples where the woman is older and the man is younger and sometimes it is by a large age difference. It's not uncommon now and it's becoming more acceptable just as with the men. Personally I think us women lose either way (younger guys are too immature and not experienced enough and older men are everything I mentioned earlier) but that's just my PO...LOL
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