Going to both UNI and SA/Boston...what if...

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Going to both UNI and SA/Boston...what if...

Post by pencil »

I am a newbie with 12 years of full-time classroom experience in USA at one private, college prep school.

Airfares to Iowa and Boston are purchased. Both hotels are purchased. Rentals cars for both are purchased. UNI and SA/Boston are 1 week apart and UNI is first.

If I am offered a contract at UNI, and I accept, I know....MY WORD IS MY OATH...I get that and fully agree. But, even so, I'd still like to go, the following weekend, to SA/Boston. NOT to interview, but to experience it. To network, to meet and greet.

Agree? Disagree?
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Post by sid »

Fairs are chaotic experiences. Once is plenty. You won't get more out of two than you get out of one.
Your new school will NOT like you going to another fair. They want to know you're committed, and whatever words you say, the action of attending a fair speaks volumes. At some schools, the act of attending a fair is considered an official letter of resignation.
Recruiters at the fair will not want to talk to you. Our time has ridiculous demands on it during a fair. We work often from 7:00 to 21:00, interviewing, checking references, following up with spouses, conferring with colleagues back home, smiling and chatting in hallways and elevators because you never know what will make the difference as a candidate is gathering their info. Lunch is often a mythical creature. Not complaining, mind you, but that's how it is. And it's no better for most candidates.
Stay home. You'll be happier.
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Post by pencil »

sid, thanks so much for your opinion. From what I've read, I'm not sure that UNI is the same "fair experience" as SA. My interest in exploring the SA Fair relates more to down the road in a few years, when I'll likely be at it again (possibly...). I totally understand all the reasons you gave. Thank you.
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Post by shadowjack »

Pencil - don't do it. If you go to UNI and accept, be happy and head out to your new school. SEARCH might be a little different, but not significantly from what I have heard. Save your money and go next time!
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Post by pencil »

shadowjack, you have gained the trust of the entire community after your fabulous post on Bangkok. Ok. I won't do it. Got it. End of story.
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Post by Trojan »

I have done UNI, but not SA.
Every description I've read of the SA fairs sound identical to the UNI. Hell, I think it's safe to guess that SA modeled their fair experience off of the previously established UNI fairs.

If you have a job offer you like at the first, I wouldn't do both.
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Post by shadowjack »

Wow - thank you for your compliment!
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Post by Overhere »

I agree with Trojan and I have done both, if you do UNI you don't need to do another to learn anything new.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I disagree, completely. It would be different if you hadnt spent the money, but having already invested in it. You should definitely go. The primary focus of the fair is of course to get offers, but there are very strong peripheral benefits.

1) Interviewing: You can practice your interview skills. Try different things with your resume. Try different wardrobe options. You will have a job in hand so your going to come off much more coefficient and you can use your interview times to really explore differnt schools and administrators, with out the stress of "needing something" from them.

2) NETWORKING: I cant believe no one mentioned this, where else are you going to get to talk with differnet school recruiters and other teachers. Youve got all these professional people in your field in one convenient place. Make a great impression and those people will remember you in the future. You never know when someone you meet is going to be a future opportunity. You never know where a recruiter will be in the future, or if you need a job, and schools do break contracts.

3) LEARNING: Your going to have an opportunity to see the SA circuit and the schools WILL be different. Go to school presentations. This gives you an opportunity to talk with recruiters and administrators and see some aspects of their schools you cant see anywhere else. You might discover a GREAT school you would otherwise not have known about if you hadnt seen their presentation. you might meet an admin that you really connect with who youd love to work with in the future. Doesnt happen if you dont go.

4) SOCILAIZING: Have you met your associate in person yet? Shook their hand, and actually talked? What about all the other teachers who very likely will have not been at the UNI fair. They may have leads, advice and on the ground experiences that you could otherwise not get. What if you go to the SA fair and find out your school you just signed with has a tendency of "not getting visas" for new teachers, or that the housing is horrible. Additionally you can get some good recommendations for school in the future, advance research for when your more competitive and youve got that IS and IB experience.

AND lastly, you might meet your dream school and get a better job, that i know you wouldnt accept ;) but youd have a warm fuzzy feeling of knowing your wanted and be better able to gauge your worth/value in the IS/IT community.
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Post by CaliPro »

Opinions needed.

Background / Will have....

High School Math License (primary one for landing job)
K-12 Physical Education License (backup / 2nd license)
Zero Experience

Looking ahead to next years hiring season.

Was originally just planning on attending the UNI Fair next Feb as I heard it is good for newb teachers. Haven't even considered attending the SA Boston Fair until I read this thread.

So my question is, do you think I would be able to land a job at the Boston Fair with my licenses and no experience? I have 3 options.

1) Just go to UNI Fair

2) Just go to Boston Fair

3) Go to UNI and if I don't get a contract attend the Boston Fair and hope / pray to land something

Will be aiming for the ME as my main goal for my first couple of years will be to save money and gain experience before going to my favorite part of the world (Latin America). I heard the schools in Venezuela pay well and would allow someone to save 20K in one year. If that is true id be willing to go there first. Primarily though I am shooting for the ME.

Advice much appreciated.
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Post by DCgirl »

I hope that it all works out for you and that you're able to seal the deal at UNI. I've now been to 4 different fairs including UNI and Search Cambridge. They're different in that Search has associates available and is in a nicer hotel but they basically work the same.

I wouldn't do it. I've been in the same position-scheduled for both Search Cambridge and San Francisco. I was able to cancel hotel rooms without penalty. I got a credit for the air ticket.

I don't think people will be that excited to network with someone who already has a job from another fair. To interview would be to waste the time of the recruiter as well as the other people who can legitimately take the job. I think your associate might even be more annoyed that you're there taking up time when you're not trying to get a job. It would look like you're still fishing around.

That being said, I know a couple who did what you mentioned and enjoyed their time in Cambridge. They just treated it as a vacation.

So, if you do get lucky and seal a job early and then go to Cambridge, tread lightly.
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Post by shadowjack »


the question isn't would you be able to land a job, the question would be, "Will Search extend me an invitation to this fair."

Based on your total lack of experience in the US and overseas teaching in an international school, the answer would be no.

However, they might steer you to San Francisco or Toronto, meaning that UNI would be your best bet.

Good luck!
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Post by CaliPro »

Guess I will just go to UNI and hope I land something in the ME.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Whetehr you can get an invitation for the BOS fair isnt a question we can answer. Though i think you very likely could get one, and my advice is that you go if you can. You would just need to change perspectives and go as an intern. You would still have access to the same schools, and an internship is a great way of getting into a tier 1 school. These internships are typically fully paid on the standard salary scale. You may not get all the benefits of an OSH, but given the opportunity to work at such schools with minimal experience more then makes it worth while. Internship contracts are generally a year and afterwords can be renewed under a full OSH package.

Realistically thats what you are anyway is an intern, as your still working on your certification. Why go to a fair like UNI and go somewhere like SCA where there isnt any money, or go to the ME where your very likely going to end up at a horror house of a school?
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Post by shadowjack »

The internships I saw on offer in Bangkok were definitely NOT on the regular pay scale. Just giving my 2 cents, as Mrs. S was recruiting as an intern...
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