aim high? or...?

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aim high? or...?

Post by elizamina »

Very quick rundown. As per my last post, I'm part of a teaching couple. I teach AP Chemistry, my husband teachers history/social studies and elementary, we have a young son, and at the end of this year, we'll have two years of experience at an international school in China. We would like to try to break into an IB school.

Which schools do we aim for? Obviously schools like IS Bangkok and IS Beijing are out. But there must be smaller, less popular, but still decent schools that will train teachers for IB. Or maybe good schools in less popular countries?

So where are those schools/countries? Mongolia? Bangladesh? India? I'm making myself sick with worry about next year. Staying at our current school is not an option. Neither is going to a place like Saudi Arabia. We are willing to go to countries like Bangladesh, Mongolia or India. Advice and suggestions would be much appreciated.
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Post by heyteach »

As I mentioned in my previous response to you, I think you'd have a good chance. You're obviously flexible about location, which is good, and you've established some boundaries (Saudi, for instance). However, you've got to get over this insecurity about your lack of IB experience--and don't let certain parties feed your insecurity. Yes, some schools really seek IB experience, others don't because they're willing to train (two of my IS are in the latter category). Don't confine yourself to substandard schools; do aim for schools you think you'd fit in well at. Don't mention your lack of experience, but become conversant with the language of MYP/DP and be able to drop in some of the jargon during interviews in the context of how you've taught in the past.
Open Communication
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Post by Open Communication »

Last edited by Open Communication on Thu May 30, 2013 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by antitravolta »

Admittedly, I'm in the same boat as you being new to this stuff, but I agree to aim high. I am a middle school math teacher with 3 years experience (none international) and no AP or IB and I'm starting the interview process with one of the schools most anybody on here considers elite. I think the important thing to remember is we are all (candidates and schools) looking for the best fit for a job. Sometimes a school is more interested in getting some youthful energy into their staff than 87 years of experience. Find the schools that you think you'd be a good fit at and go for it. There's not much to lose.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Im not a cheerleader, this forum already has a lot of those. Im cautiouse and conservative with my advice and opinion. Not having IB or AP or any other type of experience is not a deal breaker, it is however going to make you less competitive. Thats what this is really about, its a numbers game, everyone knows someone who broke the odds and got an amazing contract, with very little going for them. As the above poster wrote though, thats a fluke. Its not typical, its not even just out of the ordinary, its a rare and extremely unusual occurence. Every year around summer time this forum gets lots of posts from people who basically didnt get what they wanted, or had expectations that were unrealistic.

Its not about aiming high, or aiming low. The secret is to aim "WIDE". Just as i advice to my graduating seniors, shoot for a couple of those dream schools, BUT also aim for schools that are right around your marketability level, AND schools that are "safety schools". Stage those applications sot hat your hitting the high end schools and middle end schools before the fairs, go with those leads, then as the recruiting season winds look at those lower end safety schools.
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