Just for fun...

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Just for fun...

Post by defygravity »

Since it's summer and I know that I'm dreaming about traveling overseas, just for fun let's talk about the following:

1. Best overseas food
2. Strangest overseas food you have tried
3. Best beer/spirits
4. Best festival/event
5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas
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Post by lightstays »

Depends on where "overseas" is for you but I would say:

1. SE Asia, particularly Thailand

2. Iguana in El Salvador

3. The most creative, most innovative beers on the face of the planet are American craft brews right now

4. Carnaval

5. The Sahara
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Post by Mike »

1. Best overseas food: JAPAN!
2. Strangest overseas food you have tried: sea urchin, raw from the tank
3. Best beer/spirits Polish Beer tents on a warm spring day!
4. Best festival/event: Taipuson (spelling ?) in KL.
5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas Safari in Kenya/ Amazon River boat cruise.

Bring on the summer!!!
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Post by PsyGuy »

1. Best overseas food: Italy
2. Strangest overseas food you have tried: Monkey Brains, China
3. Best beer/spirits: I dont remember, but i like a cold draft Tiger beer, on a hot south asian day.
4. Best festival/event: Full Moon, Thailand
5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas: Brazil
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Post by seashell »

1. Best overseas food: Japan because not only is Japanese food awesome I've never had a bad meal in Tokyo
2. Strangest overseas food you have tried: I'm vegetarian so it doesn't get too crazy. I guess dragon fruit! Once was served fresh seaweed just picked out of the ocean, but couldn't get it down (or on the chopstick for that matter).
3. Best beer/spirits: Am currently a fan of German Radler, beer mixed with Sprite and the only way I can tolerate beer
4. Best festival/event: Give me a Hanami Spring Day
5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas: Darjeeling
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best of the best

Post by overseasvet2 »

1. Best overseas food: Thai or Vietnamese
2. Strangest overseas food you have tried: raw horsemeat (Japan)
3. Best beer/spirits: Any of the beer at the Munich Oktoberfest
4. Best festival/event: Carnival in Brazil
5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas: Antarctica
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What an absolutely brilliant thread!

Post by Skablictady »

@defygravity - You are not a princess... you are a queen.

1. Best overseas food: Käsknöpfle [Liechtenstein]

2. Strangest overseas food: Barbacoa [Ciudad Juarez, Mexico]. Thank heavens for serviettes.

3. Best beer/spirits: "Groaerd" Riesling Grevenmacher [Luxembourg] although I'm partial to French Merlot and I don't like beer [it doesn't like me].

4. Best festival/event: EuroPride 2008 [Stockholm, Sweden]. I almost changed my passport.

5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas: Minneapolis [Utterly gobsmacked by the Minnesota Nice!] and Hong Kong.

Post Script: I saw Wicked in NYC and London Victoria. You must see how the British cast interpret "For Good" with an English accent and the audience glazed over the one-liners and American humour.
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My two cents...

Post by defygravity »

1. Best overseas food: I think almost every meal has been a best experience.

2. Strangest overseas food: Conch ceviche in Belize (but tasty!)

3. Best beer/spirits: All the beer was amazing in Bruges, Belgium. Just a side note that one of the major American craft breweries goes there every year to reward their long time employees.

4. Best festival/event: Edinburgh Festival Fringe

5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas: Vienna at Christmas. Especially the little teeny markets in the back streets.

@Skablictady - It's great that you picked up on the song reference! Coincidentally, I saw it in London when I was chaperoning a student trip, and will see it again next June on a student trip to NYC. Can't wait!
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Post by anon »

1. Best food...everything on a Kerala houseboat
2. Strangest food...those squiggly white African grubs...plain or spicy
3. Best beer...German beer
4. Best festival...Munich's birthday
5. Best vacation...camera safari in northern India
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Post by durianfan »

1. Best food....probably Thai food. I'd kill for some Penang Moo right about now.
2. Strangest food - Kopi Lewak coffee and King Cobra in Java, Indonesia.
3. Best beer - American Craft Brews, in particular Lagunitas IPA and Dogfish Head 90-minute IPA.
4. Best festival - Ice Festival in Harbin was pretty cool.
5. Best vacation - I once spent a month on Koh Phangan....that was nice.
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Post by chocolatefrog »

1. Best food....Thai, hands down. I still remember a duck salad that blew my mind.
2. Strangest food - Dog in Vietnam. For the record, it's disgusting. Don't do it.
3. Best beer - Don't drink beer, but did try an awesome homemade Sake in Japan.
4. Best festival - Holi in India. Beating up blokes with a sari is cool... the colourful stuff is just a bonus.
5. Best vacation - An Elephant Sanctuary in Laos. Very humbling living beside a massive, majestic beast for a week.
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Post by DCgirl »

1. Best overseas food-Thai
2. Strangest overseas food you have tried-alligator
3. Best beer/spirits-depends on who I'm with
4. Best festival/event-Bacardi Festival, Puerto Rico
5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas-desert safari, Dubai
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Post by Mathman »

1) everything from Asia
2) you're all whimps. Try raw animals that you have to catch yourself first. So they tend to be alive. Rat and guinea pig being the weird ones.
3) Belgium for the beer, don't need spirits at their alcohol %
4) carnival in Salvador brazil
5)honeymoon in Bali
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Post by StereoTyped »

1. Best overseas food- Thai, Korean (I love kimchi)
2. Strangest overseas food- Cuttlefish chips. I will be the first to admit I am NOT an adventurous foodie.
3. Best beer/spirits-Austria
4. Best festival/event-Korean protests
5. Best place you went for vacation while overseas- Chiang Mai & Railay, Thailand
Open Communication
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Post by Open Communication »

Last edited by Open Communication on Thu May 30, 2013 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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