DODDS Hiring Question

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Post by anon »

References, check
Passport, later...

Call and e-mail about being considered for SY12/13?

What do you think?

And THANK YOU for all the advice....
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Post by WeDoDude »

Anon, go with what your gut is tells you about calling, or emailing. The only time I called was once I got my hiring packet to fill out and that was because they provided me with a number to call them if I had questions. I don't recommend calling them about your application unless they now provide a number to do so. If there is an email, use it.

DoDEA will help you with the Official Passport. This isn't something that you can just get on your own. There is a special form to be filled out for it.
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Post by ringler24 »

Transcript question: We hold onto sealed transcripts until we're offered a position right? I've got mine uploaded on the application but I'm not supposed to mail anything to HR am I?
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Post by PsyGuy »

HR does not send out or create applicant or referral lists. Principals create them themselves.

You hold onto you official transcripts, sealed until asked for them. These are separate from the ones you uploaded.

References must be confidential. They dont send out a paper form. Its a survey/report link sent out by email. As soon as they are submitted by your references they are "available" there really is no review/turn around time. Its still possible to get a paper one sent out, but I dont recommend it. they can take a very long time to become available. Its much wiser to provide email addresses, and online references.

You can if you want get your service records for experience verification now if you want, but its not a priority. You have time to provide them even once your hired. Depends how comfortable you are with your districts HR department.

If you are it will be requested in the FEDEX packet you receive when hired. Sometimes people report to there duty post traveling on their regular passports. Its not often but does happen. You can not apply for an official passport yourself, and you can not have your regular passport changed to an official one. They are for different purposes. When traveling to your duty post, or for training conferences, or official business you travel on your official passport. If your traveling on vacation, or holiday you travel on your regular one. The easy answer is if DODEA/DoDDS is paying/providing the travel its official. If you paid yourself its your regular passport. DODEA will forward your official passport to DOS.

Id email them then wait a week then call. I wouldnt do anymore then that.
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Post by WeDoDude »

As usual, PsyGuy gives out the wrong info.

From the moment you start working with DoDEA you will always travel with your Official Passport. You will not travel to your new post unless you are traveling with you Official Passport. This is because when we travel we travel on orders. Yep, actual military orders issued by the DoD.

Regardless of the type of travel we do, whether on orders, or not, we must travel with our Official Passport. In order to leave your host nation you must present your Official Passport, this is because it contains your entry stamp, your SOFA stamp and the entry form that you fill out each and every time you are re-entering your host nation.

When my family and I leave on a summer trip outside of Japan this summer, we will travel on both our Official and Tourist passports. We will present our Official Passport at immigration when we leave Japan. We will present our Tourist passports at the country we are visiting. When we return to Japan we will again present our Official Passport to re-enter the country. Again, this is because our Tourist passports contain no entry, or exit stamp for our host nation of Japan.

Once you are hired you have about a week to get your paperwork filled out and returned back to them. You'll spend hours on it. DoDEA will send you a form that will need to be filled out by your current district. Mine took 48 hours to fill it out. They were very understanding of the turn around time.

I would hold onto your sealed transcripts as well. There is no hurry as of now to get anything done. I would wait until you're interviewed and selected. If you want to get a jump on the packet then please feel free to email me and I will provide you with some things to get done before that packet arrives.

In the meantime, just sit back and wait for an email from a principal requesting an interview.
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Post by PsyGuy »

No your just wrong again. There have been times in early fall, where DODEA authorized teachers to travel on their regular passports because DOS couldnt process them fast enough. Travel orders are not the same as general orders. We do not follow the DOD general chain of command. because they come from the DOD (military) does not make them any more military orders then say travel orders from the DOS, Department of Energy, etc. Travel orders are little more then travel authorizations. Some airlines for example dont know the difference and will let you check the extra bags.

You do not travel at all times on your official passport.If your going to say Bali from S.Korea for vacation over winter holiday you travel on your regular passport, because your vacation is NOT official USA government business. You are not a diplomat. When you LEAVE the country on vacation you leave on your regular passport. When you arrive in your vacation country you enter on your regular passport. When you leave your vacation country you exit on your regular passport. When you enter your country your on duty with you enter on your official passport. You only travel on your official passport when the purpose of the travel is official business.

You can download the verification form from the DODEA application website in the upper right hand corner of the application click on downloads. if you want you can even attach the pdf to an email and send it to HR, cant hurt anything. If you have several schools/districts to do this at you might as well start now. You have about a week to finish the packet, but you have more time actually to finish the service/experience records.
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Post by PsyGuy »

*Recruiting Started* principals have already started generating referral lists.
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Post by WeDoDude »

We leave our host nation at all times in official passport. We use tourist when not on orders. We return to host nation on official. That's what I said. We can add not reading to your list.

Transfer round is not over until June 1. Nothing has started but you telling more lies.
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Wrong again

Post by PsyGuy »

[quote="WeDoDude"]We leave our host nation at all times in official passport. We use tourist when not on orders. We return to host nation on official. That's what I said. We can add not reading to your list.

Transfer round is not over until June 1. Nothing has started but you telling more lies.[/quote]


What you do, and what your supposed to do very different things.

Again, your just wrong, you can see one of the email screen shots here:

Since we know that the transfer round ends June 1 (thanks for the date), and as you claim Referral lists come from HQ, that would mean the HR/HQ violated the transfer rounds early. Unless, well lets see what group of administrators would have need and access to some sort of applicant database to hire teachers? Could it be "principals" who would generate their own referral list?
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Post by WeDoDude »

I was hired 2 years ago, and never received notification that my name was put on a list, let alone a list for a school. Sorry dude, but that's clearly a fake. I asked a colleague that was hired this year, they also never received notification that they were placed on a list.

Oh the trouble that you're going through to prove yourself right. It's pretty funny. But yeah, wow, no idea what that is. All I got was an email from a principal, not some magic notification of being placed on a list for a school.

LOL. You just keep shoveling and shoveling...
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Post by PsyGuy »

[quote="WeDoDude"]I was hired 2 years ago, and never received notification that my name was put on a list, let alone a list for a school. Sorry dude, but that's clearly a fake. I asked a colleague that was hired this year, they also never received notification that they were placed on a list.

Oh the trouble that you're going through to prove yourself right. It's pretty funny. But yeah, wow, no idea what that is. All I got was an email from a principal, not some magic notification of being placed on a list for a school.

LOL. You just keep shoveling and shoveling...[/quote]


Right, an alternative conclussion is your just wrong and dont know what your talking about. We will find out soon enough though, as im unlikely to be the only one.
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Post by ringler24 »

Ridiculously contradictory information. To Everyone reading who is actually in the midst of the application process: WeDoDude has already revealed he's a DODDEA admin. Psy Guy maintains he has a "source" higher up but has not been specific about what kind of a source this is. Until he does that I personally can't believe the things he says that contradict WeDoDude. Psy Guy: You say very convincing things but it's really hard to believe you. Can you be more specific about where you're getting this info? It's cryptic and maddening to sift through the arguing you are doing with someone in a valid position to give information.
Last edited by ringler24 on Fri May 25, 2012 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sevarem »

I'm addressing this question to WeDoDude ONLY. Please do not respond if you do not work for DODDEA.

My husband and I are possibly interested in positions with DODDEA, especially if it means living in Japan or Korea (which is apparently booming?). He teaches math up through AP Calculus and I'm certified to teach English language arts and elementary. We're on contract through next year, but after that, we'd be free to take new jobs.

By the end of next year, my husband will have a few years of math teaching under his belt and I'll have a few years of 5th grade and middle/high school language arts and ESL. Do you think we'd be attractive candidates for DODDEA?

Also, we are currently overseas. The school is US accredited and affiliated with the state department in that we receive state department grants and the consulate kids attend our school, but we're in no way DODDEA affiliated. Do you have to be working at a US district school or can you be hired for DODDEA from overseas? We're working in China at the moment.

Thanks for your help!
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Post by specialed »

Seriously, I would just move on with the thread and ignore psyguy. He knows everything, has been everywhere. and knows everyone - who can argue with someone like that? He is obviously a savant so why argue with him?

Just ignore him. It's hard to do, but it helps focus the topics and use info from people who actually know what they are talking about.
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Post by PsyGuy »


No, i dont reveal personal sources.


You dont have to be in the USA when you apply/or are hired. DODEA/DoDDS qualifications are based entirely on credit hours. Having a certificate gets you a 50% discount on the number of credit hours you need. Typically 24 for middle school and 30 for secondary. ESL is in high demand, as the requirements are pretty high. Math is also in high demand though not as much as ESL or SPED.

Its hard to find paired vacancies, most elementary positions are local hires, and with DoDDS shrinking, excessed teachers are going to reduce the availability of CONUS positions even further. Even then the candidate pool is saturated, there are a lot of teachers with advance degrees, a decade of experience who wait year after year for a DoDDS position and never get one. The likliehood of both of you being hired together is near impossible. More then likely one of you would be hired and the other one as a trailing spouse.

Personally, I dont think the odds are in your favor, you just dont have a lot of experience compared to other candidates, and by the sounds of it very little in a typical american classroom. DoDDS schools are more like public schools then private schools that you find at international schools.
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