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by Heliotrope
Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:34 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Employability and advice
Replies: 8
Views: 14799

Re: Employability and advice

Lcoleman1 wrote:
> It is very much a desire to travel and see the world.
> We definitely feel as though if we don't do it now, we never will. But if
> we stay, will we regret it. If we go, will we regret it.

If a desire to travel and see the world is your main motivation, and a loss of savings potential isn't a concern, then go for it.
There will certainly be schools willing to hire you (or go for cities with multiple schools where you each work at different schools), but I think you'll have to choose between either geographical proximity to the UK or your ability to employ an affordable cleaner/cook, assuming you still want to save *some* money.

I know a teaching couple with kids at what is regarded as the top school in Tunisia that saves around 30K per year, while employing a part-time cleaner/nanny/cook (one person, not three), travelling twice a year, in addition to taking two direct flights to the UK during other breaks (<100 USD pp round-trip). They like Tunis, but the city does have the reputation of being rather boring (to be fair, these city reviews paint a more positive picture: ... isia/tunis).
There will be other cities that offer something similar, and if you drop the proximity to (or short flight to) UK as part of your wish list then the world is your oyster - go for Southeast Asia and you will tick all your other boxes with ease with a good savings potential.
Be sure to factor in your retirement costs - seeing the world is great, but financial security and a comfortable retirement are also important.
by Heliotrope
Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:26 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Employability and advice
Replies: 8
Views: 14799

Re: Employability and advice

You're both highly employable.

Being close to the UK and a high savings potential are a bit at odds with each other. I would focus more on being somewhere with a direct and affordable (relative to your savings potential) flight to the UK rather than geographical proximity, as the countries closest to the UK offer some of the lowest savings potentials. With that in mind, the Middle East comes would make sense, even though imo that's a far less interesting experience than the other countries you mention.

If you don't mind me asking: why do you want to go international? Is it an innate desire to explore the rest of the world and get outside your comfort zone? Or is it mostly financially motivated?
Just asking because you say your current jobs are fabulous, so you might be disappointed with how some international schools are run. Also, be mindful that retirement should be part of the financial puzzle.
by Heliotrope
Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:53 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Morals and Contracts
Replies: 48
Views: 315468

Re: Discussion

milesaway wrote:
> Of course no one wants either . to not honor contracts. I have personally
> experienced a school not honoring the contracts that were signed. When Covid
> started, the head of our school SELECTIVELY chose to honor some contracts and to
> dismiss some...she used it has a means to punish people who she did not like or did
> not fit into her little world of what the school should be like. Even SLT, like
> myself had their contracts voided. She made some people actually return to China and
> then after a month told them she was dismissing them...all, like myself, had signed
> three year contracts. None of the teachers or admin did anything wrong or warranted
> being forced to resign.
> Witnessing the complete lack of care that this woman had for her teachers was just
> amazing and in the end she paid a huge price. The school's reputation suffered and
> she eventually lost her job. I was like you before this happened to me, honor the
> contract you sign and even if the school changes things in the contract after signing
> it, you should still honor it. This changed for me after this incident, the
> consultants, the search firms and the school board ALL turned a blind eye to what was
> happening to people...but if we had done it, we would have been banned from firms and
> told that we would be penalized.
> Each case is different, do I think you should sign a contract and continue to look
> for a job that might be But I don't think a person has less morals if
> they do it.

If a school acts like that, I wouldn't say the teachers at that school should still honor their contracts. Screw that school! (well the Head at least)

And if a school changes things significantly in the contract after signing it, I don't think you have the obligation to still honor it, because it's not what you signed up for. It's like agreeing on a price for a house, and then they after signing they fill in the pool with concrete and demolish the shed in the backyard and still expect you to take it for the original price. It's not the same house anymore and you can back out without scrupules, or they have to lower the price or add another feature that you think is worth what they took out.

Search Associates and other firms not backing the teacher is a shame, it happens regularly and is very unfair. A school penalizing you legally is usually only possible if you're still in country, so if you just get on a plane during a break they are powerless. Not ideal, but it's a last resort sort of thing. It's also why the idea of some schools in Saudi hanging on their teachers' passports is scary, because it takes away that option if they start misbehaving.

I agree with you that you shouldn't sign a contract and continue to look for a job that might be better. However I do think if you do do it when the school doesn't do anything wrong, that that says something about your morals.
by Heliotrope
Fri Dec 30, 2022 6:06 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Morals and Contracts
Replies: 48
Views: 315468

Re: Morals and Contracts

Luckily a large majority of the international schools will not drop you after a contract is signed, and similarly a large majority of teachers honors their contracts. The more one side (schools or teachers) stops doing this, the more the other side will start doing the same, until no one -school or teacher- can be sure of anything until the teacher arrives at the school just before the school year starts.
by Heliotrope
Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:13 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: HR Recruitment Manager- Asking Salary Expectation Before an Interview
Replies: 3
Views: 9280

Re: HR Recruitment Manager- Asking Salary Expectation Before an Interview

Spawnboy99 wrote:
> when they go straight into asking what your expected salary is, I feel very
> uncomfortable answering this before an actual interview happens. I ask if
> they have a salary scale and if are they willing to share it but also
> responded by saying, I think I should be paid according to my skill sets
> within leadership, years of experience and what I can bring to the school.
> Now you don't want to shoot for the stars and be too high, but then again
> don't want to shoot too low. I have asked recruiters and Heads what my
> current market value is due to the above experiences, so base my answers on
> that.
> What techniques or responses do you give when getting asked this question?

I've never been asked this question, but not sure if that's normal or if that's the exception. I've only ever worked at schools with a fixed salary scale, where every teacher just got paid what the scale dictated.
At one school a candidate could try to negotiate what experience would count towards the entrance step, as they were a bit flexible on counting years before certification (although at best you could enter with one extra year), but that's all the wiggle room on salary I've seen during my career.
I have heard teachers say that the absence of a salary scale (and the schools abiding by them) would be a red flag for them, and I'm not sure if there are great schools without one that would disprove that.

If I were you I would think about what salary would be fair and acceptable (considering the school, location, your experience and your savings goal), and then add 25% or so. Not so much that they'll drop you because it's ridiculous, but an amount that a truly great teacher would definitely be worth to a school. They can then always negotiate.
by Heliotrope
Mon Dec 19, 2022 7:03 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Morals and Contracts
Replies: 48
Views: 315468

Re: Morals and Contracts

interteach wrote:
> I'm in almost full agreement on honoring a contract, but for the first time
> backed out when it was clear I wasn't going to get the help I needed to get
> a complicated visa. Silence, wrong answers, repeated wrong answers, taking
> it up the line didn't do any good - and this was a not-for-profit school. I
> finally decided days before the stated deadline and nearly zero meaningful
> assistance that if this was how they treated my attempts to get there, I
> didn't want to know the rest. It is, ultimately, a two way street. Both
> sides need to show good will and due diligence.

If you need the school's help for a visa and they don't help you in a meaningful way, you're right to back out.
Helping a teacher with their visa should be boilerplate stuff for a school. In situations like yours it can just be a burned out person at HR who's not functioning, but you took it up the line so there's really no excuse for failing to help you.
by Heliotrope
Tue Dec 13, 2022 6:06 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: I resigned from a job early in the contract, how bad does that look for my future prospects?
Replies: 3
Views: 30566

Re: I resigned from a job early in the contract, how bad does that look for my future prospects?

If you want to reach more people, it's better to post it on ISR forum 1: viewforum.php?f=1
This forum (forum 2) gets almost no traffic, so very few people will see this post.
by Heliotrope
Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:02 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Living On Campus
Replies: 14
Views: 45200

Re: Living On Campus

I'm with @PsyGuy on this one.

You don't mention if it's a boarding school. If it is, that would be an immediate 'no' for me.

If it's not a boarding school, it would still be a 'no' for me, but I do know that some teachers who live on-campus at a non-boarding school sometimes actually quite like it. These are almost all young & single teachers though, who actually think it's a plus that their co-workers all live in the same building, so they can go drinking together and have the benefit of being able to wake up later and still be on time to teach.

The way you describe it makes me think that you would not be the kind of teacher who would enjoy it though. If you have other options or think you will have other options this recruiting season, I would pass on this opportunity.
by Heliotrope
Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:46 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Morals and Contracts
Replies: 48
Views: 315468

Re: Morals and Contracts

expatscot wrote:
> The location might have been fine at the time of the interview, but much less
> appealing now. I reckon there are many teachers, for example, who accepted jobs in
> China at the start of last year who now regret it, and there will be some who might
> have accepted a few weeks ago who are now having second thoughts.
> Generally, though, I take your approach - if you accept, you stick with it
> regardless. However there has to be flexibility to allow for an allegedly Keynsian
> approach if the facts change.

I agree, if there's a big change in terms of safety, or another major change like a family member back home gets seriously ill and needs care, I would back out.

People taking jobs in China might have been carelessly optimistic though, as nothing that is happening there right now should have been a huge surprise, or was at least not something that was very unlikely to happen.
by Heliotrope
Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:48 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Morals and Contracts
Replies: 48
Views: 315468

Re: Morals and Contracts

Spawnboy99 wrote:
> Thanks for your feedback @Hellotrope, but the location is an important factor when
> considering a move for a single or a family. location and area need to be seriously
> considered for a number of reasons let alone your or your family's mental well-being
> and what the location has to offer to make that transition work. If we are looking at
> the UAE or even China location and the area does play a factor. You did mention a
> family in tow, but one can't at times judge a location from Google Search and a
> school website, one needs to also speak to teachers in the school or try and reach
> out to people living in the area that can give a first hand experience.

I totally agree with you that location is important, especially with a family (for example, air pollution hits kids a lot harder than it does adults).
That's why I assumed the location of the school that offered you the contract is ok, otherwise why even interview with them if the location isn't acceptable? (that's why I said: "I assume you wouldn't have considered the school in the first place if that was the case.")
by Heliotrope
Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:44 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Morals and Contracts
Replies: 48
Views: 315468

Re: Morals and Contracts

I agree with @shadowjack

The answer is to your question is of course yes, but whether or not that stops you is up to you.
My point of view is that the more teachers back out of agreements, the more schools will do the same, and vice versa. It's already happening too much on both sides unfortunately. It's always interesting to see how some teachers complain about schools not honoring contracts and then they themselves advice others to back out if something slightly better comes along, just as there will also be recruiters who complain about teachers reneging, while regularly cancelling contracts themselves as well.

I've often told a school that I needed more time before deciding because I was still interviewing with another school, and every time I was given more time. To be fair, usually the extra time I asked for was a week tops, since I will stop looking or interviewing once I've signed a contract.

If there's a legitimate reason to back out (civil war breaks out, family member back home gets seriously ill, etc.) I would back out, and the earlier in the hiring season it is, the better I'd feel about that. Personally I wouldn't classify the location not being too thrilling as a legitimate reason, unless safety is an issue there, but with a family in tow I assume you wouldn't have considered the school in the first place if that was the case.
Seeing how you phrased parts of your post, I suspect you'll like @PsyGuy's and @milesaway's answers better than @shadowjack's and mine.
by Heliotrope
Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:08 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: chances of landing a teaching job in W Europe
Replies: 6
Views: 9248

Re: chances of landing a teaching job in W Europe

There are a few international schools outside the 'Randstad' area (which covers amongst others of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht). International teacher will prefer schools that are in this Randstad area, so your chances will improve if you give schools in other parts of the country a shot.
I know there's one in Arnhem called 'Rivers' and probably one in Eindhoven (since it's a Brainport area with lots of expats), and Maastricht might have one as well (there's a UWC there, but maybe another 'regular' international school as well).
The pay will be a lot lower though, maybe about the same as what local teachers are paid, and be sure to do your research into the quality of the schools.
There's also a boarding school in the East of The Netherlands, but I heard it's crap, so I'd avoid that one for sure.
by Heliotrope
Sun Oct 16, 2022 5:29 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: SA Bangkok Fair - Still worth it?
Replies: 23
Views: 117378

Re: SA Bangkok Fair - Still worth it?

Might be worth it.
There are around 10 schools on this list that I would consider if I was looking for a job, but it'd depend on how many of those would have a vacancy that suits me.
by Heliotrope
Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:03 pm
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: Resume website or creative CVs: helpful or harmful?
Replies: 5
Views: 40353

Re: Resume website or creative CVs: helpful or harmful?

I'd urge you to post this question on forum 1: viewforum.php?f=1
It gets a lot more traffic than this one (forum 2).
by Heliotrope
Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:58 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Virtual Video Exchange with a high school in Denmark
Replies: 3
Views: 12625

Re: Virtual Video Exchange with a high school in Denmark

You probably already saw this topic, but just in case you didn't:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=8001&sid=f342c47a7d ... 0480c8dd9b
It's not everything you're looking for, but a good start perhaps.