Search found 37 matches

by angelica1981
Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:22 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Search Job Fair Demise
Replies: 38
Views: 85241

Re: Search Job Fair Demise

MamfeMan wrote:
> đŸ˜‚ That’s a whole lotta lousy schools.

I know! There are only a few schools that interest me, so no point going to the fair. Even if the fair happens.
by angelica1981
Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:04 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Search Job Fair Demise
Replies: 38
Views: 85241

Re: Search Job Fair Demise

Heliotrope wrote:
> angelica1981 wrote:
> > But where are you seeing a list of schools attending each fair? I can only
> > see the locations, dates, and details of the fair. I don't see schools
> > attending.
> Anyone can see the list of the schools that are attending the fair.
> Go here and click on 'Schools Attending' on the left:
> ... k-january/
> Not all fairs have this list yet, but thats just because that fair's list isn't
> available yet (to anyone).

Thanks, I somehow missed that button. And the list for the fair that interested me is disappointing, at least compared to the last time I attended.
by angelica1981
Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:42 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Search Job Fair Demise
Replies: 38
Views: 85241

Re: Search Job Fair Demise

But where are you seeing a list of schools attending each fair? I can only see the locations, dates, and details of the fair. I don't see schools attending.
by angelica1981
Wed Dec 08, 2021 7:11 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Effect of Brexit on WE teaching job market?
Replies: 18
Views: 54883

Re: Effect of Brexit on WE teaching job market?

expatscot wrote:
> angelica1981 wrote:
> > I'm American and haven't had any problems getting jobs in WE. I'm not
> > unusual in this because I've worked in several WE schools that had majority
> > American staff or split US/UK staff.
> That's because you're already there and it's relatively easy if you already have a
> visa, especially for the Schengen countries. If you're from the UK, and either
> already teaching abroad or just looking to move, anecdotally it's more difficult now
> for someone from the UK to get a Schengen visa after Brexit than for someone from the
> US or Canada.
> It's why we hate Bumblin' Boris. He is so incompetent, he's even incompetent at being
> incompetent.

No, that isn't how it works. The visa is tied to my place of employment. There isn't a blanket Schengen visa that I can use to move from school to school in Europe. Each time I moved to a new school, they needed to go through the visa process for me to work there, which involved all of the same tedious background checks, etc. even though I was moving from one Schengen school to another. Actually being in the country working at one school now doesn't really give me any advantage regarding visas if I move to another EU school.

I don't think it would be more difficult for a UK teacher to get a visa in an EU country than for an American to get one, and neither does my friend in HR I asked this morning. It's just that now the UK and US teachers are obliged to go through the same process and the schools have to apply for work visas for each.

I suppose it removes a slight advantage that pre-Brexit UK teachers might once have had, but it doesn't make securing an EU job impossible for UK teachers now. The schools need you and many schools are already accustomed to the work visa process and have business or HR members who have been handling those things for US teachers for years. They won't see UK teachers as suddenly undesirable now.
by angelica1981
Sun Dec 05, 2021 3:52 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Effect of Brexit on WE teaching job market?
Replies: 18
Views: 54883

Re: Effect of Brexit on WE teaching job market?

I'm American and haven't had any problems getting jobs in WE. I'm not unusual in this because I've worked in several WE schools that had majority American staff or split US/UK staff.
by angelica1981
Sun Nov 21, 2021 2:09 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Asking for reviews to be removed
Replies: 25
Views: 35500

Re: Reply

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> Thats certainly your opinion, its not a universal one. If publishing the
> post is so detrimental to the author, why did the author write it and push
> the submit button in the first place. What did they think was going to
> happen?
> ISR doesnt edit for content, they edit for brevity, abuse, etc. Its a fine
> line that any editor walks.
> @gotthetshirt
> Can concur that this has happened before. Its why the whole member section
> exists for review and evaluation posts. I would not doubt at all if the
> original posts in the public forum were planted by leadership.
> @angelica1981
> It depends on the IS computer used, an ITs personally assigned laptop for
> example, thats a bad move but a computer that doesnt require a login in a
> IT work room, library or computer lab, that could be safer than at home.

PsyGuy, no computer-literate person in 2021 would be stupid enough to post from their school-issued laptop, so this is a non-issue. It is kind of insulting to the poster to insinuate that he might have done that. I am sure he didn't post to ISR from a school-issued laptop. I don't know any teacher who is that computer illiterate in 2021.
by angelica1981
Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:17 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Is SEARCH worth it this year?
Replies: 11
Views: 23048

Is SEARCH worth it this year?

Are there fewer, more, or about the same amount of schools in the SEARCH database this year compared to non-pandemic years? Is the geographic distribution about the same as always, or are there many more China jobs and fewer other (what?) jobs?

And has anyone done a SEARCH virtual fair? Worth it?

Am trying to decide if it is worth reactivating with SEARCH or not.
by angelica1981
Mon Nov 01, 2021 9:52 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Vaccination and other issues.
Replies: 54
Views: 248715

Re: Vaccination and other issues.

marieh wrote:
> angelica1981 wrote:
> > > many other highly insecure and feeble-minded people. So while she calls
> others
> > > selfish and foul names (real classy!), I say it takes one to know one.
> This is the first statement you've made I've agreed with. I'm glad you were able to
> identify another one of your kind.

Um, I didn't write that.
by angelica1981
Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:48 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Vaccination and other issues.
Replies: 54
Views: 248715

Re: Vaccination and other issues.

shawanda wrote:
> Reading so many of the responses to my post confirms my view that the vast
> majority of you are sheeple. Though, I am heartened as I read a few of your
> responses that there are still a few non-drones in this sample of the
> educator population. I will also call out two more things:
> 1. Some of you reflexively assumed that I am anti-vax. LOL. You don't know
> me or my vaccination status and I will be keeping it that way! That's my
> point. It's nobody's business but my own! You can be pro-privacy,
> anti-two-tiered society, and pro-vaccine all at the same time smarties!
> 2. ThamesPirate, one of the most self-satisfied of all posters for years on
> here, revealed in her argument what I think is at the heart of the
> reasoning of many of the proponents' of mandates and mandatory reporting:
> she wants a leg up in the job market over her un-vaccinated competition.
> She simply reeks of joy at knowing that she no longer has to compete
> against the likes of me. Self-interest is a big motivator for her and many
> other highly insecure and feeble-minded people. So while she calls others
> selfish and foul names (real classy!), I say it takes one to know one.
> While all this madness reveals the real nature of so much of the human
> race, I am not letting it get me down. Instead I am using it as a real
> eye-opener that in retrospect was overdue for me. For too long many (myself
> included) were seduced by the notion that as a species we had markedly
> become "better" over the last decades. That somehow we had become
> more progressive, tolerant, kind, and inclusive. This whole episode proves
> otherwise. Only individual and community smugness and self-righteousness
> have grown; everything else remains the same. Most of the masses are low
> down dirty scoundrels just like y'all forefathers before you.

I don't see anything in ThamesPirate's posts indicating that she "wants a leg up in the job market over her un-vaccinated competition" and certainly not that she "simply reeks of joy at knowing that she no longer has to compete against the likes of me." Where are you getting that? Can you identify some exact phrases?

I don't think you understood what she was saying. Maybe calm down a bit and try to read what she actually wrote when you are less emotional.
by angelica1981
Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:51 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Vaccination and other issues.
Replies: 54
Views: 248715

Re: Vaccination and other issues.

justme123 wrote:
> In response to @angelica1981...
> Can we stop labeling people who for a myriad of reasons don't want to get
> the Covid-19 vaccine as "anti-vaxx"? The term is nothing more
> than rubbish from the media (not your friends) as a way of us vs. them.
> Also, as this is all (relatively) new (being the vaccine is less than a
> year old), how do we know it works? Or that those without it are more
> "dangerous" than those with it? Is it possible the real threat
> are those with the jab?
> I have no problem saying that maybe those without the vaccine are a
> threat....or maybe they're not. I just don't understand how so many people
> seem sure that those without the covid vaccine are the problem when this is
> all so new.
> This is me playing devils advocate...

Do you seriously think any educated, credible people wonder if "the real threat are those with the jab"? Do you really think it is rational for someone to say they "just don't understand how so many people seem sure that those without the covid vaccine are the problem"?

Science and clinical trials are real. Read more. Learn to assess the credibility of sources.

"Playing devil's advocate" doesn't mean presenting conspiracy theory nonsense as the plausible thought processes of rational, educated people.

I hope you don't "play devil's advocate" in this way with your students.
by angelica1981
Thu Oct 28, 2021 2:21 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Vaccination and other issues.
Replies: 54
Views: 248715

Re: Vaccination and other issues.

justme123 wrote:
> I'm going to try my best to come at this topic from a different angle.
> If you look at all the threads on ISR relating to covid and/or vaccines,
> you can see just how divisive this topic is. And that's just within the
> ISR community. I'm sure you all know how it is outside of ISR.
> Instead of fighting and pointing fingers, I feel we all need to come
> together and support each other. There are people out there who want you
> divided and fighting within ourselves. We all know the saying "divide
> and conquer". Maybe instead we should all support each other and
> respect others decisions/ideas/beliefs. If you want to get vaccinated, get
> vaccinated. If not, then don't. But by arguing with each other we are
> giving those who want us divided exactly what they want.
> I completely understand what the OP was saying and respect their thoughts.
> I too am not a fan of Search asking that question but understand a lot of
> schools are asking for visa purposes, and thus hiring someone unvaccinated
> is outside of their control.
> Maybe, just maybe OP is right in their comments, or maybe they are nothing
> more then a crazy "conspiracy theorist". Either way as educators
> we should all be open minded enough to accept others thoughts and beliefs
> without all the name calling. If we can't be tolerant/understanding of
> others beliefs, how are we suppose to teach our students to be?
> Sorry for my rambling...

Either way as educators
> we should all be open minded enough to accept others thoughts and beliefs
> without all the name calling. If we can't be tolerant/understanding of
> others beliefs, how are we suppose to teach our students to be?

The issue is that the thoughts and beliefs of anti-vaxxers have potentially serious health implications for the rest of us. Being open minded doesn't mean accepting every idea without critique. There is another word for that.

At some point, we need to be able to speak up when we see others behaving or spreading misinformation that is of harm to the community. Some of my students have vulnerable or elderly family members at home. I don't think it is OK to 'open mindedly' accept without comment the fact that some teachers refuse be vaccinated.
by angelica1981
Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:16 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Asking for reviews to be removed
Replies: 25
Views: 35500

Re: Asking for reviews to be removed

gotthetshirt wrote:
> Having access to a review because it is written on a school computer is far
> different than being the author. How do we know this is really the author
> and not just some school admin tasked with monitoring teachers computers?
> The bottom line is he should have read and headed the the big red letters
> that say your submission is an irreversible action. This person needs to
> take responsibility for their actions.

That's a weird assumption. I highly doubt he wrote it on a school computer. I don't know anybody foolish enough to do that. Plus, he said he wrote it at night, which to me implies at home, using his own device.

I hope ISR at least answers his email.
by angelica1981
Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:38 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Vaccination and other issues.
Replies: 54
Views: 248715

Re: Vaccination and other issues.


1. As a teacher, I find it 'grotesque' that I would be required to work in close proximity with a person who could be vaccinated but refuses. What gives you the right to endanger others in that way?

2. Some smaller schools like mine struggle to find coverage during the pandemic. Other teachers have to give up their planning. If you are unvaxxed and get sick, you will most likely be more ill and out for longer. Do you simply expect that other teachers should cover for you, or for the school to have to pay for someone to come in if they even can find cover?

3. Schools pay SEARCH for each individual teacher they hire. Do you expect a school to bypass other viable candidates as they interview you multiple times, pay SEARCH for the privilege, and then find out at the end that you are refusing to comply with a step necessary for obtaining a visa at all? What do you expect the school to do then: go back to SEARCH and pay to start the process again with someone else, perhaps too late to get a teacher in the country on time at that point?
by angelica1981
Mon Aug 09, 2021 6:47 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: What traits do you look for in a boss?
Replies: 10
Views: 18908

Re: What traits do you look for in a boss?

1. I want a boss who doesn't let her friendships with staff dictate her decisions. I want a boss who treats people equally, without giving special treatment to personal friends.

2. I want a boss who understands the amount of time it takes to plan and grade. I want a boss who doesn't call meetings for the sake of having a meeting, but uses time efficiently and knows what information belongs in a meeting and what can be an email.

3. I want a boss who knows her own limitations and understands that sometimes teachers have good ideas and input. I want a boss who doesn't pretend to know everything or talk down to teachers.

4. I want a boss who doesn't automatically support parents over teachers in a conflict.

5. I want a boss who wants teachers to have a good work/life balance.

6. I want a boss who remembers conversations with teachers and doesn't forget promises or details.