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by Pollock17
Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:08 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: International Early Years Qualifications
Replies: 2
Views: 18095

Re: International Early Years Qualifications

Thanks so much for your reply, it makes sense and has given me a lot to think about.

With the pandemic I haven't been home in years, so perhaps popping in for this program wouldn't be terrible timing. I'll do some more research into it. Thanks so much!
by Pollock17
Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:48 pm
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: International Early Years Qualifications
Replies: 2
Views: 18095

International Early Years Qualifications

Hey there,

Sorry I know these qualification questions are a bit redundant at this point, but I'm having trouble finding ones specific to Early Years.

So I'm in a bit of a fix trying to sort out my next step for becoming qualified for International Preschool/Kinder positions. Specifically which type of qualification is the best next step. (I have a CBEST, TEFL, and Bachelors in a non-educational field, I've been in education for about 6 years in a variety of positions from subbing in the states to ESL centers, private schools, and curriculum design etc....all of this combined has easily got me work in private schools and low tier IS's, but I know these won't cut it long term or outside of SE Asia.

I'm willing to spend the extra coin and time, if it's the best outcome long term, as I'm confident early years education is my passion. But am just a bit lost as to which route is the best investment.

I’m a US citizen working abroad in a low tier international school in Vietnam (In the Kindergarten)- and would like to gain further qualification, to be able to possibly move up to a top tier international school and to be a competitive candidate outside of SE Asia (Europe, Middle East, etc…I'd like to have options honestly, but have little interest returning to the US). I would also like to eventually get a specialized masters for early years (Some type of focus like Reggio Emilia).

So my question is, as I'm interested in traveling and teaching in IS's long term- should I go ahead and commit to the early years PGCE/QTS now, then think about a masters further down the line? or because I'm confident I would like to stick to early years- do you think a PGCEi or Masters alone (or those two combined) would be sufficient? As with the PGCEi or a Masters I would be able to work and study simultaneously, but a PGCE would require relocation to the UK, and using much of my savings, etc....

Would the PGCEi/Masters route be enough to get me in the door of top tier International Schools? I'm aware this would not be sufficient for any type of primary or secondary position, but I've encountered schools here in Vietnam, that have made it seem like IS kindergartens would prefer specialized experience/masters to their specific pedagogy, even over a standard credential. But surely outside of Vietnam this would simply supplement official qualification?

If I'm completely off base with this please let me know haha, should I be looking more at something like a teach now option?