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by evilharo
Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:07 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: MONTHS later--found out school did not do my visa. Help!
Replies: 19
Views: 69974

Re: MONTHS later--found out school did not do my visa. Help!

Any sound advice takes the legal and cultural background of the country into consideration. If you can't even name the country you are in we can do nothing more than wishing you the best. Maybe the guys at reddit can give you better advice:
by evilharo
Thu Jun 02, 2022 12:27 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: (i)PGCE Revisited
Replies: 5
Views: 10855

(i)PGCE Revisited

There has already been a lot of discussions about the pros and cons of iPGCE (or PGCEi) programs. The two biggest cons are that (1) they do not automatically lead to QTS and (2) they are not seen as equivalent to UK domestic PGCE programs. There is also a great variety of programs; some are cheap and purely academic. Some have a practical component where you are even required to have a mentor at your current school. These latter programs seem to have a better standing among the international school community. So my question is: what are some of the better practice-based iPGCE programs that have good standings among international schools? Programs that might be seen as equivalent to a domestic UK PGCE program. Programs that might even have special recognition in certain regions. (Again, I know they don't lead to QTS). And what are your experiences with them?

- Obviously, Sunderland's PGCE DL program is one of the more well-established one. An important pro is that the certificate states "PGCE" instead of "iPGCE". (So does that mean it can be seen as equivalent to a domestic PGCE?). Also, it seems to lead to "registered teacher" status in Hong Kong.
- Univeristy of Buckingham also has an online PGCE. They also explicitly state that you graduate with a PGCE and not iPGCE. I haven't heard much about this program, so if anyone has some more info I would like to hear about it. It is also relatively cheap for a practice-based program: gbp 4300
- TES' iPGCE program. Another relatively cheap practice-based program: gbp 4200. It has been here for a few years but I haven't read any experiences from graduates. They are in the process of getting their program accredited in Hong Kong, but it is unclear when that is finished.
- Warwick iPGCE is also practice-based, but I don't know what its pros are. It is as expensive as Sunderland's but isn't as useful; the certificate states iPGCE and you can't use it to get registered teacher status in HK or other regions. Only pro is that the uni is highly ranked.
by evilharo
Sat May 28, 2022 2:01 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Jan Vs May Job Searching
Replies: 9
Views: 11012

Re: Jan Vs May Job Searching

Btw, when it comes to China, can we expect an extra peak demand for teachers around June and July? I keep hearing stories of teachers planning to leave China but who haven't told their school yet.
by evilharo
Thu May 19, 2022 9:57 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Becoming a Registered Teacher in Hong Kong (using TeachNow/Moreland Uni)
Replies: 4
Views: 8568

Re: Becoming a Registered Teacher in Hong Kong (using TeachNow/Moreland Uni)

Thanks for the advice!

I will try to see if the local PGDE programs can give me some exemptions and reduce the time a bit.

The Moreland top-up master's would be the fastest way to get more edu credits, but I am just afraid that HKCAAVQ will still deny the application.

A year ago I read that TES has a variation of their PGCEi program especially catered to teachers in Hong Kong. But that information disappeared from their website so I don't know what happened with it.

All in all, it seems that local PGDE is the safest route.....
by evilharo
Thu May 19, 2022 10:37 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Becoming a Registered Teacher in Hong Kong (using TeachNow/Moreland Uni)
Replies: 4
Views: 8568

Re: Becoming a Registered Teacher in Hong Kong (using TeachNow/Moreland Uni)

Yeah, they really want a teaching qualification that is equivalent to a local HK PGDE. It seems the HKCAAVQ is really really picky. A local PGDE takes 2 years part-time, which is a bit long. When it comes to non-local teaching qualifications, it seems they accept Sunderland's long distance PGCE program ( ... gno=252949) and TES institute's iPGCE ( ... gno=252988). TES' iPGCE looks quite interesting as it is relatively cheap: 3600 GBP+VAT (so prob around 4200 GBP in total). I wonder if someone has experience with this program.
by evilharo
Thu May 19, 2022 3:39 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Becoming a Registered Teacher in Hong Kong (using TeachNow/Moreland Uni)
Replies: 4
Views: 8568

Becoming a Registered Teacher in Hong Kong (using TeachNow/Moreland Uni)

To work in HK at an international school you need to get registered at the HK education bureau as a "registered teacher" (RT) or as a "permitted teacher" (PT). See ... index.html

To become a PT you just need to have academic qualifications and be employed by a school. To become RT, however, you also need a valid teacher qualification (not license!)

My current situation: I have an academic bachelor and master in my teaching subject, I got a US teaching license through TeachNow program, and I got QTS through reciprocality. A school I interviewed told me that they prefer teachers that are elligeble for the RT status. A PT would probably also be fine, but would be placed on a lower salary scale. I am pretty confident that I qualify for PT, but I am not sure whether I would qualify for RT. If seems difficult seeing the following requirements for the teacher training programs: ... aef3decf7a

Question: would I qualify for RT status with my TeachNow certificate. If not, what is the fastest way to become a RT? Do I really need to do a PGCE/PGDE?
by evilharo
Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:11 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: PGCE or TeachNow for QTS/professional teaching credential
Replies: 10
Views: 13170

Re: PGCE or TeachNow for QTS/professional teaching credential

Nice to hear that! I posted a similar question a few months ago and the general consensus at that point was that it became hard, if not impossible, to get QTS through the TN DC license. Can you give more detail what happened to turn it around? What did TN do and how did they help you to get QTS?

s0830887 wrote:
> Definitely route 1a. QTS is now being awarded to TN graduates with DC
> licenses, TN worked hard to get that rejection business overturned. I was
> awarded QTS a few months ago on my DC license having done my student
> teaching outside of the US (this was the crux of the issue), and being
> rejected with the same exact application documents a year prior.
> Another reason for DC over HI is that non-US teachers with HI licenses are
> currently being rejected for QTS because HI is claiming that without a
> social security number, HI cannot verify that the teacher has no sanctions
> against them in the NASDTEC database, therefore they cannot issue a letter
> of good standing as is required for QTS. This is not true, you do not need
> a SSN to search the database, but it is happening and who knows how long it
> will take to fix. So, you should avoid HI for now. TN is already trying to
> figure it out but it might take awhile. As far as I've heard, this is only
> happening with HI teachers who don't have SSN and not DC. But, if you
> haven't figured out from my post yet, if you have any issues with
> reciprocity, TN WILL work to fix them for you.
by evilharo
Fri May 29, 2020 11:11 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Translation into English (NACES) : how to get a translation that we can reuse in different countries (US /UK /CAN...)?
Replies: 2
Views: 5114

Re: Translation into English (NACES) : how to get a translation that we can reuse in different countries (US /UK /CAN...

I would like to join in on this and ask two extra questions:

1. Any agencies that also have offices in Europe or Asia where you can send the documents to (instead of sending it to the US)?
2. Any particular recommended agencies?
by evilharo
Fri May 29, 2020 11:05 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: obtaining QTS/US teaching license questions
Replies: 16
Views: 28141

Re: obtaining QTS/US teaching license questions


Thanks for the info! I got two more questions:

1. I emailed the Hawaii teaching board and they confirmed I can just use the EX1000 form to fill in my overseas teaching experience. However, they did not say whether pre-EPP/ITT or pre-license experience would count or not. It will depend on the reviews by the HI teaching board based on the documents/proof I submit. So here is a new question: do you have any tips of how I can increase the chances of acceptance of my previous teaching experiences in China? Perhaps by also submitting a recommendation letter from my old school or something? (If so, what kind of info would be good to put in... curriculum details or something?)

2. If my short term goal (within 2 years) is to get into a better school and better pay, does it make a difference whether I have a DC license (obtained through TN) or a provisional MA license? Would the DC license give me a better chance of reaching that goal than the prov. MA license?
by evilharo
Sun May 24, 2020 8:07 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: obtaining QTS/US teaching license questions
Replies: 16
Views: 28141

obtaining QTS/US teaching license questions

After reading all the info on TEACH-NOW (TN),IPGCE, US teaching licenses, and QTS, I still have a few questions. But before that, let me first sketch my situation:

I am from the Benelux with master's degrees in math and physics. I have been working either as a math or physics teacher at a number of bilingual schools and international departments of domestic schools in China for 3-4 years now. My aim now is to get QTS (or a permanent US license or both) while continue working in China so that I can move to better schools with higher pay. My starting point would be taking the TN route.

1a. There have been report that UK citizens with DC license obtained through TN route are denied QTS. Which factor causes the denial? The UK citizenship, the DC license, or the TN prep program? If it is the TN prep program, does it mean that using any other US state teaching license (in combination with TN as teach-prep program) to apply for QTS would also fail?
1b. When using the DC license to apply for QTS There have been suggestions that to circumvent the problem you simply fill in another initial teacher training program. But wouldn't the system ask for proof of attendance/completion of that program?

2. In the forums I see that the standard recommendation is to get the DC license after completing TN. Why not get the Arizona license? Would there be any advantages of the Arizona license over the DC license when applying for QTS. I know about the requirement that for the Arizona license you need to do extra exams on US history and constitution and shit within 3 years. But my aim is QTS so I don't really care that it will eventually expire.

3a. You can only get the Hawaii standard license after 3 years of teaching experience. Is that 3 years post TN program (or post initial license) experience, or can the teaching experience prior to the TN program also be used?
3b. How to verify the 3 years of teaching experience? I looked at the (EX1000) form and it seems only teaching experience in the US is considered. What about international experience? How does the verification of that work?

4. Can fingerprints (Arizona license) and FBI background checks (DC) be done for non-US citizens and abroad?

5. About the DC license renewal, i see on the website that there are 3 options: taking PD courses, performance ratings, and test scores. Does this mean that taking tests is enough? I remember earlier there were forum posts mentioning that you NEED to have PD hours.

6. How important is the teaching qualification once you have a teaching license? I have seen schools formulate their requirements as needing "a postgraduate teaching qualification, including QTS". This seems to me that in some cases it is still important.

7a. About the QTS assessment only route: has someone managed to do this at an overseas school?
7b. For the AO route you need to show that you satisfy teacher skills/abilities/requirements. But I can't find anything about what this concretely means? What should I show? Lesson plans? What else, and how detailed? Any detailed info or online resources for this?

Of course, I also welcome any info on any new alternative routes to QTS (or permanent US license). Thanks for all the help.