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by redandwhitead
Tue May 11, 2021 3:02 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Advice on what to do next...
Replies: 24
Views: 23686

Re: Advice on what to do next...

Just a note of thanks to all those who have replied, much food for thought and it has been a very useful exercise to go through the options.

Having reviewed and reflected, my decision is to remain in Vietnam for another year and attempt to go via option 3, finding experience in a British KS2 setting here in Vietnam. I've started to search for such positions. I'd look to complete my QTS in Vietnam if this was the case via AO and I'll explore the potential for doing so, but right now it's less of a priority than simply beginning to get experience at KS2. This approach also has the benefit of not immediately uprooting my young family.

If 12 months from now I have been through several applications and haven't been successful then I'll instead look to return home and get 2 or 3 years experience in a KS2 setting in the UK. This will then hopefully (and by then also post-doc) set me up to return to Vietnam with a much more competitive profile in the long run.

Thanks again for all the helpful advice here.
by redandwhitead
Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:40 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Advice on what to do next...
Replies: 24
Views: 23686

Re: Advice on what to do next...

Thanks both for your valuable feedback!

No, I don't really plan to return to the UK in the long term, although nor do I plan to remain in Vietnam long term. I guess my concern is whether a lack of a British trained PGCE and British school experience will eventually prevent me from first being able to get a place in the top schools, and then to make progress within them into more senior positions.
by redandwhitead
Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:57 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Advice on what to do next...
Replies: 24
Views: 23686

Advice on what to do next...

Hello everyone!

I'm looking for some advice from some helpful people, hopefully you can give me a nudge in the right direction. I'm at a bit of a crossroads.

My background: For seven years I've been living and working in Vietnam as an ESL teacher and departmental leader in a bilingual school. I've done my PGCEi, MSc in Ed Leadership and am a year into an Education Doctorate.

I'd like to move into international schools in the future, and my aim is to become a full primary Key Stage 2 class teacher. However, lacking a UK-based PGCE and QTS and lacking full KS2 experience, I'm running into a bit of a wall. I'd like to find a way to get myself set up for the rest of my career. In the longer term I'd like to become established in an international school, where my son (now 1 year old) could also go to school and learn.

I have some options, and I'd be grateful for some advice.

Option 1: Return to the UK and redo my PGCE with KS2 focus, then a year NQT placement before returning to Vietnam / another country and reapplying for primary posts.

Option 2: Return to the UK and do an Assessment Only QTS and possibly one more year after that, giving me a PGCEi + QTS + experience in a UK school.

Option 3: Remain in Vietnam and try and find a KS2 position, which will give me experience although perhaps not QTS. I could look to find a school where gaining QTS would also be possible, but this would mean I've never worked in a UK school.

I hope whatever I do I'd complete with an Ed Doctorate in four years time.

I'd like to continue to work around south east Asia once I've got qualified, and would also eventually be interested in posts in Europe. The middle east doesn't interest me as much and I'd be unlikely to look at positions there. I'd hope to eventually begin to be competitive in applications for more senior positions, although that obviously remains some way down the line.

I'm a little stuck with it all and would be grateful for some advice on where to turn next from people who have been down this road ahead of me.

Thanks in advance for any guidance!
