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by Psychometrika
Thu Feb 02, 2023 1:13 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: SA Bangkok Fair - Still worth it?
Replies: 23
Views: 117373

Re: SA Bangkok Fair - Still worth it?

I ended up getting a job before the fair, so obviously did not go. Interesting to hear they made a difference for some folks. My next school is in Bangkok so attending would be a snap for the next time I am on the hunt.
by Psychometrika
Tue Nov 15, 2022 6:39 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Who is actively looking?
Replies: 3
Views: 12558

Re: Who is actively looking?

I managed to get a couple of offers through contacts and feel very lucky to land a decent position at a tier 2 position in Bangkok.

Aside from those, I applied heavily to many jobs in my field on Search. Absolutely nothing in response, and in the past I would have schools contact me without even applying.

Psyguy isn't kidding when he says packages are in decline. I've always felt IE packages have always either been stagnant or in a slow decline for a while, but Covid really has hastened the deterioration of conditions. Some schools are in genuine need of tightening their belts and others are just taking advantage of the situation to save a few shekels.
by Psychometrika
Sun Oct 16, 2022 4:36 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: SA Bangkok Fair - Still worth it?
Replies: 23
Views: 117373

SA Bangkok Fair - Still worth it?

I'm currently registered with the SA Bangkok Fair in early Jan. Looking over the list of schools attending it seems leaner than in past years, (many China schools seem to not be bothering), but still seems decent for what I am looking for.

Any thoughts on if the F2F fairs are still worth the time and expense? I'm a fairly experienced HS Math teacher and was wondering if it would give me a leg up on purely online folks.

Here's the current list in case anyone was wondering:
Country School
Angola Luanda International School of Angola
Bangladesh American International School Dhaka
Bangladesh International School Dhaka
China Concordia International School Shanghai
China Dulwich College Beijing
China International School of Tianjin
China Suzhou Singapore International School
China United World College Changshu China
China YK Pao School, Shanghai
China/Hong Kong American School Hong Kong
China/Hong Kong Chinese International School
China/Hong Kong Discovery College
China/Hong Kong Hong Kong Academy
China/Hong Kong The Independent Schools Foundation Academy
China/Macao The International School of Macao
Colombia Colegio Nueva Granada, Bogota
Egypt Cairo American College
Germany International School of Dusseldorf
India Mahindra International School
India Stonehill International School, Bangalore
Indonesia Bali Island School, formerly Bali International School
Indonesia Bandung Independent School
Indonesia British School-Jakarta
Indonesia Global Jaya School
Indonesia Jakarta Intercultural School
Japan Canadian Academy, Kobe
Japan Tokyo International School
Korea Branksome Hall Asia
Korea Chadwick International
Korea Seoul International School
Kuwait American International School, Kuwait
Laos Vientiane International School
Malaysia Mont'Kiara International School, Kuala Lumpur
Mongolia International School of Ulaanbaatar
Myanmar Yangon International School
Nigeria American International School of Abuja
Oman ABA Oman International School
Oman Al Batinah International School
Oman The Sultan's School
Pakistan Karachi American School
Philippines International School Manila
Qatar American School of Doha
Romania American International School of Bucharest
Russia The Anglo-American School of Moscow
Saudi Arabia American International School - Riyadh
Saudi Arabia British International School Jeddah
Saudi Arabia International Programs School
Saudi Arabia International Schools Group - District Office
Saudi Arabia The KAUST School
Senegal International School of Dakar
Singapore Chatsworth International School - Singapore
Singapore St. Joseph's Institution International School
Singapore Stamford American International School
Switzerland Zurich International School
Tanzania International School of Tanganyika, Dar-es-Salaam
Thailand Concordian International School, Bangkok
Thailand NIST International School
Thailand Panyaden International School
Thailand Prem Tinsulanonda International School, Chiang Mai
Thailand Thai-Chinese International School, Bangkok
United Arab Emirates Dubai American Academy (GEMS)
United Arab Emirates GEMS International School, Dubai Hills
Uzbekistan Tashkent International School
Vietnam Chadwick International Ecopark
Vietnam United Nations International School of Hanoi
Zambia American International School of Lusaka
by Psychometrika
Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:09 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: US Citizen - Retirement Saving...?
Replies: 12
Views: 29325

Re: US Citizen - Retirement Saving...?

I just use a regular taxable brokerage account at Schwab and put my money in index funds.

A traditional IRA would be pointless for me as I already don’t pay taxes on my income. A Roth has hypothetical advantages, but since I don’t plan on withdrawing an amount that would exceed the long term capital gains threshold of over $40k annually (80K for married) the effective tax rate on my taxable account will be close to zero anyway.
by Psychometrika
Tue Nov 30, 2021 5:10 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Sweden Residency
Replies: 1
Views: 7774

Sweden Residency

As I near my 50's I'm considering where to land for my golden years and Sweden popped into my mind.

Assuming I already had a nice nest egg built up, how viable would it be to get a job at one of the large bilingual chains and then stick around 5 years or so to earn a permanent residency? Money would be a secondary issue as I would not need to worry about saving, and mostly I would be in it for the residency and health care. In theory, I could try to get a job at one of the better schools but as a non-EU person I suspect that would be challenging.

Is this viable at all? I have a feeling I'm probably overlooking something but wanted to toss this out there. Thanks!
by Psychometrika
Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:44 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Vaccination and other issues.
Replies: 54
Views: 248715

Re: Vaccination and other issues.

nathan61 wrote:
>Even with the Pfizer vaccine, for hospitalization, you get an absolute risk reduction of .84%.
> A pittance. We all take bigger risks living in developing countries.

Absolute risk reduction is a misleading statistic if you don’t understand it properly. A vaccine could have a 100% effectiveness in preventing hospitalization yet still have a low absolute risk reduction. The below article explains in more detail.

Also, it is estimated that herd immunity for covid requires 80-90% immunity rate among the population. So, yes, if you are refusing the vaccine, and are not otherwise immune, you are statistically doing harm by delaying herd immunity. ... SL2N2NK1XA
by Psychometrika
Tue Oct 19, 2021 8:58 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: China New Tax Law
Replies: 25
Views: 42469

Re: China New Tax Law

China does have a progressive tax system so tax on the original salary won’t change and will stay at an average ~20% tax rate or so. However, the housing and tuition benefits as additional income will (probably) be taxed at the marginal rate so you are looking at 40%+ on those. Probably a deal breaker for those with children, but housing should be fine if schools up the benefit so you get the same after taxes. Even if the schools make the teacher eat the cost on housing paying ~40% on that should be manageable if the base salary is decent.

Even putting that aside though with the difficulties getting into China, never being able to leave for a vacation or see family, increasingly nationalistic education policies, and an uncertain business climate all make China a dicey proposition right now. Money was the big draw for many teachers and these new taxes certainly do not help.
by Psychometrika
Mon Jul 26, 2021 6:24 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Countries/Cities with 100K savings
Replies: 47
Views: 82615

Re: Countries/Cities with 100K savings

If someone knows a school in Germany that pays 90K and provides “something like boarding” please let me know so I can apply. The Durmstrang Institute maybe?
by Psychometrika
Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:56 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Where in the World to Start?
Replies: 37
Views: 49652

Re: Where in the World to Start?

EyEyEy wrote:
> I've read many topics since joining this forum in March and lots of it is
> really interesting & helpful. However, most of the time I'm just
> wondering: who is this @PsyGuy clown?

My theory is that he is the owner and/or admin of the site. No one else would have the time or motivation to live on this site like he does, and I don’t think another admin would tolerate the amount of belligerence he spouts. I think he posts like he does to be deliberately controversial to encourage posting and keep the site from being dead, and I think Psyguy is just one of a few sock puppets he uses to keep things going. Public forums are dying out in favor of reddit and Facebook groups (Dave’s ESL Cafe forums used to be a go to favorite of mine but now it is just a shadow of its former self) so I think he is just trying to keep the ship afloat.
by Psychometrika
Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:19 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Insurance Over the Summer in US
Replies: 23
Views: 32243

Re: Insurance Over the Summer in US

AT&T was heavily regulated post-1956. In fact, they could not derive any royalties from their Bell Lab patents and could not enter any industry outside of telecom. Thus, any of their non-telecom research, like fMRI, was pure loss for them in financial terms. However, they continued as they perceived this type of research as a public good to be provided as a national service.

As for Covid, governments underwrote everything so the companies could not lose. Without government intervention, companies on their own would not have reacted nearly as quickly as the profitability would be questionable. The public would riot if they tried to charge for the vaccines so the public good route was the only viable option as relying on the profit motive alone would have been a disaster. I suspect there was fair amount of arm twisting by the federal government as well to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. However, as a whole, the rapid development and deployment of the vaccine was a triumph of public health.

As for the Mayo Clinic, well, like any organization they need to keep the lights on too even if profit is not a primary motivator. I’m not going to continue this conversation with you as I think you are just being contrary, but I find it amusing the 3 best examples you could come up with actually highlight the exact opposite of what you intended.
by Psychometrika
Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:14 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Insurance Over the Summer in US
Replies: 23
Views: 32243

Re: Insurance Over the Summer in US

No one’s arguing that medical research is not expensive. However, in all three examples you provided profit was not the primary motivator. The same goes true for a large amount of medical advancements from universities and other nonprofit research centers.
by Psychometrika
Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:35 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Insurance Over the Summer in US
Replies: 23
Views: 32243

Re: Insurance Over the Summer in US

The profit motive is great for selling widgets, but not so great for medical research. The Colon cancer dna test you mention was developed at the Mayo Clinic which is a nonprofit. The COVID vaccines are largely government funded and being provided for free.

The fMRI was invented at Bell Labs. Bell Labs had a tremendous amount of money to plow into basic, long-term, no-immediate-payoff research due to being funded by AT&T’s monopoly profits in telecom. If Bell Labs was expected to be a profit center its achievements would be limited to short term research with strong expected payoffs. Basic research is not sexy nor particularly profitable, but over the long term is responsible for a great deal of advancement in medicine and other fields.
by Psychometrika
Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:55 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Insurance Over the Summer in US
Replies: 23
Views: 32243

Re: Insurance Over the Summer in US

Most drug companies in the US spend more on marketing (note that drug advertising is actually illegal in many other developed countries) than they do on R&D. The old R&D excuse is just a fear tactic used by corporations to prevent regulation so they can keep their monopoly pricing structure intact.
by Psychometrika
Mon May 31, 2021 5:22 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Signs it is Time to Move On
Replies: 43
Views: 110276

Re: Reply

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> Being a good IT has nothing to do with being responsible or feeling
> responsible to your students. You can despise and hate your students and
> still be an excellent edu.
Yikes. This is a sign that you should move on from classroom teaching all together.
by Psychometrika
Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:18 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Retirement Goal
Replies: 33
Views: 59392

Re: Retirement Goal

fine dude wrote:
> Here is my shortlist:
> Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain (if my nest egg is big enough), Thailand, and
> Vietnam

Good list. I'm also considering the Philippines, but SE Asia is my focus area with Thailand and Vietnam towards the top of the list.