Search found 73 matches

by cms989
Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:50 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Job offer made and then...silence!
Replies: 20
Views: 40356

Re: Job offer made and then...silence!

What exactly does one expect to happen after signing a contract? I signed mine last week and have heard nothing. I mean, it would be nice for them to acknowledge receipt. At the same time I'm not exactly sure if there is anything to do now in January for a late August start . .

I also told the agency who I imagine told them that it's official by them, so I imagine the agency would tell me if something was amiss
by cms989
Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:52 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Non-teaching certifications/experience for trailing spouses?
Replies: 7
Views: 12234

Re: Non-teaching certifications/experience for trailing spou

If he has no marketable skills, and is going to a foreign country . . I think he ought to have a better excuse for rejecting an opportunity (teaching English) than 'I don't wanna.'

I don't know the exact situation of course, but teaching English can be a perfectly noble, professional, enjoyable profession. Like anything else it depends how your pursue it in terms of training and choosing the right school and continuing to develop. In strikes me as odd this option would be rejected in favor of . . . well, nothing. You haven't presented an alternative.

I say this as someone who resisted teaching English for the longest time, even though it fit me perfectly in so many ways. I just couldn't imagine myself in a classroom. And here I am starting my first IB job next year.
by cms989
Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:56 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Bizarre interview process, but great offer
Replies: 10
Views: 18550

Re: Bizarre interview process, but great offer

@nathan61 my references are awesome apparently, another school mentioned it. And yea I do uniquely fit into what they want especially if they aren't discounting some of my experience like more hardened ISs might. You might be on to something . . the other interview I had I didn't feel the questions or my answers accurately represented me as a teacher, and I find interviews in general poor tools of judging a candidate (though we're left with few alternatives).

Just an update; I got more info on the teaching schedule and whatnot and it made the whole thing seem more 'real' to me. So I'm pretty excited and think I'll accept after clearing up a couple more things.
by cms989
Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:16 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Bizarre interview process, but great offer
Replies: 10
Views: 18550

Re: Bizarre interview process, but great offer

@helloiswill Reasons? I have two theories, both of them just theories. One of them was that their instant offer was an attempt to trap me - I am with Search and a simple 'yes' verbal acceptance over Skype, from what I can tell, would open me up to some pretty heavy obligations to teach at the school. That theory is bunk because they followed through with a generous offer.

My second theory is that the director has little experience in overseas hires and can't be bothered with it. She may not be fully aware of the "rule" that my ESL experience is supposed to be useless according to Gods of IT (actually it's an asset at this school anyway). When she sees a friendly guy, knows my background, has my references (solid), that's enough. Maybe admin is somewhat hands off to boot. Under this theory I'd be going into a school where I'm something of a novelty/dime store curiosity but still getting access to some experience that looks good on my resume, and hopefully can enjoy myself. This is sort of my best reasonable expectation of working there.

I've already done some of the stuff you mentioned, and I think a previous teacher is a no-go, but didn't think to talk to my associate. Actually I assumed his motive would be to close the deal so he wouldn't be worth talking to, but according to your experience that isn't always the case.
by cms989
Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:14 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Bizarre interview process, but great offer
Replies: 10
Views: 18550

Bizarre interview process, but great offer

I'm a new IT in an oversaturated subject and have been recently having little success in my search.

However, I recently interviewed at an "international" (98% local) school. I was offered a position and the pay is great. The location is "undesirable" but to me really interesting, so win win. And it's an IB school.

Some red flags:

-I can find almost no information on this school from a teacher's perspective, except that it is legitimate.

-I was offered the job about 5 minutes into the Skype interview. I'm a good looking guy and think half of it was just appearance and being friendly.

-They offered me the position without terms. I had to ask what compensation and job duties were (still require some clarification on the last bit, all I know is the subject and level). Overall poor HR practices.

Counter red flags:

-It does have a website. It does have a legitimate organization backing it up and a sister school (under the same org) that is on ISR and gets decent ratings, including ok comments about the overall administration. I can find a few sets of non-professional photographs of children and teachers happily doing activities at the school I'd work at.

-I'm not sure if they've had foreign teachers before, maybe that explains the lack of info out there. Maybe they just have little/no process of hiring foreign teachers and see it as a box to tick, explaining the quick offer.

Honestly, as crazy as it sounds . . I like the location, the pay is awesome, and it's IB experience for my first job . . what's the worst that could happen? Given the overall org gets ok reviews on ISR I assume they will pay on time (comments say they will pay on time).
by cms989
Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:06 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Updates from Bangkok
Replies: 38
Views: 69095

Re: Updates from Bangkok

@twoteachers beginning to think I should have signed up for ISS then. I live in a neighboring country but couldn't attend. Who are these 500 teachers that can take off 5 days at the beginning of term? I mean a certain chunk have extended breaks but that's typically the first week back from winter break. All of the Search scheduling is awful and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills for being the only one commenting on it (I did notice one other complainer here once).
by cms989
Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:33 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: What is your recruitment scorecard for 2017/18?
Replies: 29
Views: 59214

Re: What is your recruitment scorecard for 2017/18?

93 applications; 3 interviews (2 pending), 1 rejection post-interview.

Technically 95 application, 5 interview requests, but I withdrew from two openings I shouldn't have applied to
by cms989
Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:46 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?
Replies: 17
Views: 27290

Re: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?

I appreciate all the responses and I think I've been "talked down from the ledge" of grad school. I think I was just a little overwhelmed at the job search but got a few applications out to public school systems in the U.S. and will be more patient as most of them haven't started hiring yet.

On a side note some of these application are ridiculous, just got an email asking for my official college transcripts to be mailed to a school just for an application!

Before we get to debating the value of this subjects vs. that, I'm using this data to guide my thinking: ... efer=urban
by cms989
Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:23 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?
Replies: 17
Views: 27290

Re: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?

I think what I'd have to do is find a good Texas job fair. It looks like UT hosts one in early April but I can't go then. I see a number of fairs that seem to simply not be scheduled yet. Go during my spring break (end of april), take the test a few days before the fair, attend the fair, hopefully leave with a job.
by cms989
Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:36 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?
Replies: 17
Views: 27290

Re: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?

@PsyGuy I appreciate the advice and will take it into consideration, some things I think about when I hear what you said:

I don't necessarily have a problem going into DE after the M.Ed TESOL. I'm specifically looking at programs that are geared towards DTs rather than the research programs or programs geared towards foreign uni teachers (i.e. U.S. programs that align with their state's K-12 endorsement requirements). So at least on the DT front I believe the qualifications would be respected.

I think like you said the domestic market is also saturated for history so it kind of seems like throwing good money after bad.

As I started looking for positions I think the truth came out with what I want. I'm not really very excited to go teach history in some charter school somewhere in the U.S. with 35 students per class, you know? I did that in my student teaching and it's not really what I signed up for.

So I'm probably happy with either outcome - IT ESL position at the end of the program (which you find highly doubtful), or DT ESL position at the end. The masters is something I want to get, someday, anyway, and my job offers more flexibility now than I might can expect in the future in trying to get it. I think when I talk about marketability I'm taking the longer view and saying if I start my career in ESL, rather than history, am I going to be happy I did it in ten years? From statistics I can find about the need for ESL versus history teachers it seems the answer is yes.

I realize getting certified in ESL and taking a DT position this year is the smartest choice but for personal reasons I night not want to move to Nowhere, Texas this year. I'll be better prepared to do that in a year or two (with partner). I need to research this more, though, but seems like a heavy lift this year.

edit: ya I think I'm starting to see the light. I really should figure out how to get an ESL endorsement, or get hired with a school that has faith in me passing the test (so I have some motivation to fly out there and take it). Even 1 year of DT ESL experience is going to be worth way more than a masters at this point, DT or IT market.
by cms989
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:12 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?
Replies: 17
Views: 27290

Re: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?

@chilagringa you may be right, last year I got two offers (bad offers, but offers) but I was severely limited due to an October start date. No doubt I would have had more interviews if I could have started earlier last year. That's what I'm referring to in my 3 of 4 interviews I (probably confusingly) referred to in the OP.

I'd say it's not only that I haven't got a job yet, though, the whole experience of actually signing up for Search and seeing what's there led me to reflect a bit. I'm already good at ESL teaching, I know about it, it's more in demand . . why stick with history? I think I got some bad advice before I started my cert that ESL teachers were forever second class even in IS, which is not true.

The M.Ed doesn't start til fall so I do have some more time to wait it out.
by cms989
Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:42 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?
Replies: 17
Views: 27290

Re: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?

Also it should be noted I don't really feel qualified for a learning support-type ESL role, I've only ever been a classroom teacher. So that's partly why I am interested in the M.Ed as well.
by cms989
Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:31 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?
Replies: 17
Views: 27290

Re: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?

You make a good point. The problem is I'd have to pay $1,200+ to get ESOL certified because I'd have to fly back to the U.S. to take the exam. Yes, cheaper than a $10k M.Ed, but I plan on getting a master's someday anyway and my current position allows some good schedule flexibility to make that happen.

Theoretically I could get that first ESOL job in a year, halfway through my M.Ed also. I have personal reasons for not wanting to leave here too soon.

With that said I do think you've suggested what is the most efficient option career-wise.
by cms989
Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:57 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?
Replies: 17
Views: 27290

I'm not competitive - next step M.Ed TESOL?

I have a CELTA and 2 years EFL teaching experience abroad, 1 in a decent (well known) language school. I know that counts for little but there it is.

I'm U.S. state-certified in history and my degree is in history. I have student teaching experience only.

After about 75 applications, mostly Search and some TIE, mostly history/social studies, I had 1 interview and got rejected. Since last year when I started applying, 3 of 4 of my interviews have been for schools in one ME country - not by choice I applied everywhere.

More recently I've been applying to ESL/EAL positions. I actually prefer it but before signing up for Search didn't think most IS hired them. I understand currently I'm not qualified for these positions but I figure if a school has a pull out or hybrid ESL program they might be interested. I understand these roles differ from a classroom EFL teacher in many cases, and are more learning support.

I actually really enjoy where I'm living now but am career-minded. I figure getting an M.Ed in TESOL would make me competitive for the EAL positions, move me up on pay scale should I go to the U.S., and make me more competitive in the U.S. I think I made sort of a wrong turn attempting to get into history and am dismayed at the reality of the job market that I would have to deal with for the rest of my career there. The M.Ed would also lead to state ESL endorsement (thought I could get that through simpler means). On a personal level I'm happy to keep living where I am.

Worst case I could get one of those university prep teaching positions in China that pay somewhere between a language school and an IS.

I'm posting this to get thoughts on my marketability (home or abroad) post-M.Ed or if I'll be back here in two years making the same post. Thanks for your thoughts

tl;dr how competitive is this person:


U.S. state certified - history; ESL

3-4 years EFL teaching experience, in a language school (I'd continue at my current school while studying)