Search found 27 matches

by Nexttrip
Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:22 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Secrecy around salaries
Replies: 7
Views: 12888

Re: Secrecy around salaries

indogal wrote:
> Why do schools waste their time, as well as candidates? If we knew from
> the beginning of the interview process what the salary range is, it would
> be easier to decide which opportunities to pursue and which to pass over.

There was actually a time in the early 2000s where more schools actually provided information on their salaries and benefits on their websites. I remember schools like Taipei American School, AIS Budapest, and other tier 1s had it all right online, which was fantastic when deciding whether to apply for a job.

My theory on why more schools don't provide more transparency on salaries/benefits is that it would tip off parents at the school and perhaps local community. I know that I was once working at Tier 1 where the salary schedule and benefits were listed on the website and more than one parent mentioned to me how they couldn't believe how much we were making. Basically saying that we were all overpaid. Also, in a lot of schools there are a 2-tiered system of overseas hires and local hire contracts, and by exposing the disparity it could lead to more issues with the local staff/community.

In terms of why some schools don't let you know the salary at the beginning of the interview process, I interviewed with 3 tier 1 schools at the GRC Dubai fair and 2 schools gave me salary/benefits during the 1st interview and the other school during the 2nd interview. So I think it depends on the school as well.
by Nexttrip
Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:30 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Manila - BSM and ISM - recruitment
Replies: 3
Views: 5871

Re: Manila - BSM and ISM - recruitment

IS Manila was actively recruiting at the Dubai GRC Fair. Not sure if they have filled all of their positions- look on their website or Search to confirm.
by Nexttrip
Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:34 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Best Job Fair to Land a Tier 1 School
Replies: 101
Views: 724862

Re: Best Job Fair to Land a Tier 1 School

Heliotrope wrote:
> @Nexttrip
> Thanks!
> So you happen to have a list of the schools that attended the fair?
> I can't seem to find it on their website.
> Almost all my dream schools (besides the one I'm at currently) are on the
> list of GRC schools, so I'm wondering which ones actually attended this
> fair.

I can reliably say there were dozens of Tier 1s and Tier 2s there. But I also noticed that some of the schools who didn't attend contacted candidates via the GRC platform for Skype interviews before, during, or after the fair. I.E., 2 great schools who didn't show for the fair still contacted me for Skype interviews.
by Nexttrip
Sun Dec 01, 2019 2:41 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Best Job Fair to Land a Tier 1 School
Replies: 101
Views: 724862

Re: Best Job Fair to Land a Tier 1 School

Tyshine wrote:
> My wife and I landed a tier 1 school at the GRC fair. The schools we
> interviewed with, all tier 1, said they wanted to finish hiring before
> Christmas break. Maybe our experience was unique, but for the record we do
> not teach hard to fill positions or have a ton of experience.

I've been an international school educator for nearly 20 years and have worked in Tier 1s all around the world. I tend to enjoy job fairs and face to face interviews to get a sense of the leadership with whom I will potentially work. Here's my experience at my first GRC Fair in Dubai for what it's worth.

I was very impressed with the schools in attendance and the amount of quality positions available, even though it was very early in the recruiting cycle. I was contacted by (what I consider) 7 Tier 1 schools and 1 Tier 2 school for interviews via email before the fair started. I decided to interview with 3 of them based on my personal desired criteria (1 by Skype a few days before the fair) and all 3 at the fair. After the initial face-to-face interview, two of the schools also asked me to interview by Skype with admin back in their countries. I pulled out of one school (my #3 choice), as I knew I would get at least one of the other 2, so didn't want to bother with unnecessary interviews. For the last 2 schools, one position was "tentative" (my #1 choice) as they were waiting for the guy to decide if he would come back or not, however, they told me I had the job if he leaves (and they would know later that night). The other school (my #2) offered me the position and gave me 48 hours to decide. Choice #1 finally got back to me and told me the guy decided to stay and so I accepted my #2 choice. I'm very thrilled as it is a great school in an interesting country.

I'm not sure that I will even bother with ISS or Search in the future as this experience proved to me that schools aren't using those platforms as much (at least this early in the recruitment cycle). It doesn't make sense for schools to use them this early when they can sign quality educators at GRC without the fees that ISS and Search charge. And that's not even talking about the Skype only option that some schools are totally fine with. It was nice that I was able to get a sense of salaries and packages through the platforms, though. If the GRC ever started publishing that information, I would be a full convert.
by Nexttrip
Thu Nov 28, 2019 2:02 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Saying No Politely
Replies: 25
Views: 26813

Re: Saying No Politely

Doctor wrote:
> Since you are new to international school teaching let me tell you: accept
> all interviews and sign all contracts. Its the ABCs of international school
> teaching: Always Be signing Contracts.

This is laughable advice and will quickly end your chance to work at any school above a Tier 3. Schools and administrators talk all the time and the international school world is very small. If you are signing multiple contracts at quality schools and then reneging on some or even one, you are taking a major risk if your long-term goals includes a career in international education at the better schools.

I had a situation at a fair where I was offered a job by two Tier 1 schools on the same day, but one had catch. The school I slightly preferred said I had the job if the current person in the position (the job was still listed as tentative) decided to leave (this person had until that night to decide and the school would let me know after "leaning" on the guy for a final decision). The other school, another fantastic school, but in a region I slightly less preferred was waiting 48 hours for my decision. In the end, at my preferred school, the guy ended up staying, so I took the other one. It was still a great school in an interesting country so I am very satisfied with it.

However, 3 weeks later, at my preferred school (the one where the guy ended up staying), another position in my area at a different level suddenly and unexpectedly appeared. I know they really liked me and even though I was very satisfied with the job I committed to, it did cross my mind to perhaps reach out to this school about the new opening. I have no doubt that there are people like Psyguy and Doctor who would have made the short-sighted decision to approach the preferred school again to see if they would be willing to consider them for the position, even though they had committed to another school. Crap, mostly for-profit schools might actually not mind but the better schools will. A lot. One post on Headnet or otherwise, could really tarnish your name and reputation.

Alos, schools that your renege on could also potentially call up your references to let them know that you reneged (especially if there was a prior connection there). So there are definitely some consequences for trying to play the game this way.
by Nexttrip
Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:23 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Best Job Fair to Land a Tier 1 School
Replies: 101
Views: 724862

Re: Best Job Fair to Land a Tier 1 School

As an international teacher for almost 20 years, I agree with Walter. Even with the added expense, it's a great way to get to know an Admin a bit and hear about the school culture to judge if the school is a good fit (and vice versa). I find that face-to-face interviews give me far more information than Skype interviews. I also believe I come across better in person. So while I hate "internet dating" thing, the "speed dating" concept at fairs is well worth it for me.
by Nexttrip
Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:50 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Savings Potential in Shenzhen
Replies: 4
Views: 8113

Re: Savings Potential in Shenzhen

funteacher wrote:
> I'm really curious who in the SZ area pays that kind of money...none of the
> schools on Search in GZ or SZ post salaries that high.

I'm guessing the original poster is being offered an Admin-type position. Not a run-of-the-mill teacher position.
by Nexttrip
Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:47 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down
Replies: 12
Views: 22214

Re: Reapplying at a school I previously turned down

Yeah, you should mention it but be aware that some admin. have very fragile egos. At least a significant minority from my experience.
by Nexttrip
Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:34 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about cre
Replies: 67
Views: 144975

Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Heliotrope wrote:
> I agree that doxxing is absolutely not done.
> I do however see where Walter is coming from: PsyGuy has repeatedly been
> misrepresenting himself, and often posts his opinions as facts. Also, he's
> a bit of a bully, albeit in a clumsy way.
> Many of the forum's readership are not forum regulars who know this about
> him, and might base big life decisions on his contributions, that lack any
> foundation in credible and verifiable sources.
> It's the main reason for a lot of my posts: I know that what he's saying in
> certain threads is obvious baloney or merely an opinion disguised as fact,
> and I fear that someone who is not aware of his reputation might take it
> for an actual fact, and will make an unwise decision based on it.
> So I'm not condoning the threat of revealing his identity, nor would I have
> done the same, but I do understand why he thought that it might be the only
> way to get PsyGuy to admit that he was lying (which he obviously was).

Very balanced comment, Helio. Psyguy is a legend in his own mind. He makes me laugh even when he's not trying to be funny.
by Nexttrip
Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:24 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Queen's Fair - ASF, Mexico City (The Infantes)
Replies: 11
Views: 16045

Thanks for acknowledging that you know I mean well, Specialed. :)

I agree that the Infantes might be making it more difficult for themselves in terms of future job prospects, but I have hope that there are reasonable, professional Administrators at solid international schools who will give the Infantes a fair chance, considering how they received such a raw deal from the American School Foundation.
by Nexttrip
Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:26 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Queen's Fair - ASF, Mexico City (The Infantes)
Replies: 11
Views: 16045

While I'm certain you mean well, Specialed, I disagree. The easy way out is to 'get over it' and move on, and this is why schools like this continue their ways- they have NOBODY to answer to. I don't see anything wrong at all with what the Infantes are doing and they are taking advantage of the tools they have available to them.

The fact is that the vast majority of international educators have not heard of Infante situation in Mexico or 99.9 percent of the other bad situations international educators are routinely subjected to by meglomaniac administrations and Boards. I look at what the Infantes are doing as an exchange of information. If it makes the American School Foundation or another school think twice the next time they consider blatantly mistreating two professional educators and their two small children, then the Infantes are doing us all a great service.

Different people require different things to 'heal'. It seems to me that the Infantes want to help other people avoid this dreadful situation and hopefully, this will aid them in their quest for healing.
by Nexttrip
Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:36 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Did anyone go to the South American School fair in Atlanta??
Replies: 17
Views: 31560

Not from my experience

I'm not sure where Guested has worked but I can confirm that the cost of living is Venezuela is not very high. Plus if you trade your dollars on the black market- which many do - you'll actually get a good exchange rate.

I worked at ECA recently and saved a lot of money - 15-20 G a year cash as a single. I traveled three times a year, internationally, and went out every weekend in Las Mercedes. Although the dollar is tanking everywhere, you can save way more money in Venezuela if you work at schools like ECA, CIC, or Colegio International Puerto La Cruz, than you can almost anywhere else in South America.