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by Overhere
Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:56 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: UNI - XXXII - Support Thread
Replies: 4
Views: 9796


I think you either love job fairs or hate them. Personally I think they are exciting, challenging events. Depending on how old you are the UNI fair might remind you of registration at university when the doors were thrown open and you rushed in to register for classes.

You need to have a plan and be organised in order to take full advantage of the fair. When those doors are opened you will not have time to determine what schools you want to sign up with. Have your list in hand and head right for those schools at the top of it. Having said that we once took a job at school that we had never heard of but there was no lineup and it ended up being the best job we have had so far.

Have your resume ready along with a picture and be prepared to sell yourself in less than a minute. Make sure when scheduling interviews that you give yourself time to move from interview to interview, there is nothing worse than having to excuse yourself from an interview thats going really well because you have another one scheduled immediately afterwards. If possible try to schedule some breathing space to decompress and process. We have had up to 8 interviews on the first day and its important that you have time to process what you have learned.

Check your fair mailbox often as things change fast and directors are always dropping notes into it. However, don't get discouraged if nothing is in your mailbox at the beginning of the fair as some directors are good about making contact and some aren't.

Don't carry a lot of stuff with you because you will probable end up carrying it all day. I once carried a portfolio all day only to have 1 director out of 8 want to look at it. Your interviews will only be 30 minutes or less and they want to talk to you.

In the end its important that you don't get overwhelmed or intimidated and that you have fun. I think there are jobs out here for every teacher who wants one.
by Overhere
Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:43 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: international school serbia
Replies: 6
Views: 11080

Eastern Europe is a wonderful place to teach but parts are quickly losing their label as affordable and are joining Western Europe as very expensive places to live. I know teachers in Slovakia that are losing their shirts as the Krown and the dollar head in different directions.