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Too late for 2008-2009

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:56 am
by Wanderlust
Just wondering what the odds are of finding an elementary post this late in the game? I am especially interested in South America? Will the only jobs remaining be with non-desirable schools?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:21 pm
by E.B. White
The South American schools tend to begin hiring earlier than anywhere else, but they don't necessarily finish first. Check school websites directly, and if you see an opening, go for it - offer yourself for a phone interview or Skype - but don't sound tooooo desperate. If you don't belong to the TIE service already, you should subscribe - you can get instant notification on openings and it's worth it for, I think, $ wife and I got jobs at ISS in February, but I'm still getting notifications from TIE - I can't recall any in South America, but other places, definitely (I'm elementary / middle school). Unless you have a real particular reason for South America, being open to a wider geographic range will get you better results. Good luck!

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:20 am
by GHK
There are plenty of jobs out there left. There are still fairs in April and even June. People leave later, change their minds, schools decide on a different scheme or haven't had success in their hiring. Heck there are still jobs to be had in August or September. A few years ago, I found myself in that position and had several offers within a week of looking. I didn't pick any of them mind you because I didn't like where they were or the schools but there are jobs out there for sure.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:54 am
by puka2
It is never too late if you are open minded about location. If you have your heart set on one country or region it may be more difficult for openings to line up. It seems with the teacher shortage that lots of good schools have late openings. Also more companies are posting people overseas increasing enrollment. Good luck.