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Anyone know about the British International School of Jeddah

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:23 am
by Tarpon
Hello ISR forums.

Subject says it all really.

I am considering a move, and wonder what anyone has to say about the British International School of Jeddah, or life in Jeddah for a family of four.

I will probably be asking about a few other schools too as I look at my options.

Thanks for any input.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:21 pm
by not cricket
Overall, this is the best school in Jeddah.
There are many positive things to say about the school. However,
Saudi Arabia is not for everyone, so have a look at country profiles on the BBC and similar websites. The new managers are decent people but suffer from 'let's call a meeting syndrome.' They sometimes forget that spending the day with 100 students is not the same as working behind a desk. This is not to belittle that work, which is vital for the school also.
Some veterans have found it difficult to adjust to recent changes as there were almost no meetings under the ancien regime. People who had been here for years, even decades got a shock when the new brooms arrived with Ofsted inspired strategic plans. Expectations are high but in fairness, the workload is now simply comparable to other British Schools in the region.
Students are generally nice, salaries are paid on time and housing is good both within the campus and off-campus.

Would also like to know about BISJ

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:28 pm
by Funlovin
I am also considering BISJ as a potential destination. I have a young family as well, so if anyone can provide some information on the school and family life in the teachers compound, it would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:07 pm
by steventon
Hi not cricket,

Isn't Jeddah in Jordan - not Saudi? I may be wrong - if so, do correct me!

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:53 pm
by guest5
Sorry, Steventon, Jeddah IS in Saudi.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:14 pm
by Funlovin
Yep, Jeddah is definitely in Saudi Arabia. So if anyone has any informed comment, it would be appreciated.


Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:18 am
by steventon
Sorry about that!

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 7:40 pm
by Funlovin
Just to keep this topic high on the list, if anyone has any info on the British International School Jeddah (formerly Continental School) and on life in the compound or Jeddah in general, it would be really helpful.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:10 am
by Opal
Yikes Steveton!

Given your knowledge base, God help your students!

International teachers (Type I)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:53 pm
by doublejointeddonkey
Don't worry about the slip - up Steveton...

You have to remember that there is this breed of international teachers...who are these wonderful amazing "global citizens" that make the world a better place... you teaching the wealthiest people on the planet their 'knowledge base'

The struggle (to avoid these people) continues.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:58 pm
by Funlovin
Can we please keep our personal issues out of the discussion. I would just like to know about the school and life out there, not interested in personal viewpoints regarding the world of int'l teaching. Cheers.


Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 11:59 pm
by E.B. White
We just moved to Jeddah after three years in South America. We are teaching at The Competition, however, so I can't tell you anything about that school.
So far, we enjoy living on the compound. The city we were in before was NOT family friendly. Here, it is so nice to have our daughter rolling skating and our son skateboarding out on our quiet little dead-end street. There are a lot of kids on the compound, though you would hardly know it during Ramadan, but we look forward to many playdates. Security is excellent; actually we have been told most people don't lock their doors.
If you have other specific questions, I would be happy to weigh in with my perspective.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:45 pm
by Funlovin
Thanks E.B. its good to hear that your children are enjoying life there. Have you had time to find out if the Red Sea is a good recreational option for your family on a weekend? Or perhaps sports or club opportunities? Our kids are aged 5 and 7yrs.

The Conti

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:39 am
by the Hippo
I was teaching for a year at another school in Jeddah, while my wife was teaching three days a week at the Conti. She was very impressed with the school and had a good working relationship with her immediate boss, the Head of Music. As I understand it, Saudi children are not allowed into the Conti unless they have one non-Saudi parent.

The facilities at the school are superb and the staff accommodation is very good too.


Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:07 pm
by E.B. White
We have been in Jeddah since September. We are not at Conti, which we have heard is the best. Certainly in terms of facilities that is true, though I can't say for sure about the quality of the people or the rigor of the program at Conti.

While we are still relatively happy at the compound we are on, there is not a lot to do in Jeddah unless you like malls and restaurants. There is scenery and a lot of terrific outdoor sculpture and a bit more, but it is not an oh-my-god kind of place. We have been out on the Red Sea to dive and snorkel, but you can't do that all the time. Many of the schools we have heard have memberships in beach clubs (ours does) where you can spend time for a nominal fee. Ours is quite nice, but it is on the northern outskirts of the city and without a car, takes some planning.

We plan to buy a car soon which will help quite a bit. It won't create more things to do, but will make getting to them easier. We also recently got a dog, which is great. There is always the pool on the compound, and usually some stuff for the kids to look forward to. A few cultural events for adults, but advertising is poor and you really have to try and make connections to hear about things - it is extremely weird in that regard. (This is my fourth international school and the lack of communication and advertising is astounding.) There is a Natural History Society with monthly meetings here that are usually worth the time.

If I were a single teacher here I would have shot myself in October. As a family, you will be okay. While there are really interesting things to do here, it is not a cultural gem, so be prepared. It is a good launch pad to many different places to visit - primarily, but not excusively - outside the Kingdom; some decent (or better) airfares to be had.

Hope this helps. I honestly don't know if I could recommend my school but I have heard good things about Conti, and I doubt Jeddah is the worst place. (How about that for damning with faint praise?) Good luck.