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Bahrain - offer but no contract

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:40 am
by reg
I have been offered a job, which I accepted from a school in Bahrain. The administration did tell me that a contract depended on the Ministry of Education giving an endorsement. I am just wondering if I should still carry on actively job hunting incase I really do not get a contract. Has anyone else experienced this?

Re: Bahrain - offer but no contract

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:29 am
by Nomad68
I am in a similar position - and have been previously (in Qatar) - school offered a job depending on me getting a visa and contract is not to be signed until I arrive in country. It is a precarious situation - I am still looking for a better offer. Basically, no contract no real job - so keep looking and if you find something better you aren't breaking contract if you take it instead. That's my opinion. Sure, a lot of jobs are dependent on visas but they still let you sign a contract before arrival albeit dependent on you getting a visa. You should ask to see a draft copy of the contract to see exactly what you are potentially signing on for, stating all benefits and work conditions (calendar, weekly work hours etc).

Re: Bahrain - offer but no contract

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:16 am
by Spawnboy99
Have too agree as I'm having same problem with job in China. They gave letter of intent but no contract as of yet have to get visa etc first. Got the monies side of things but not the other important things like for example shipping allowance but oh if you bring teaching material with you then it becomes property of the school, hell no that's happening so seems be a waste of time as in my eyes no contract then no job just some people may be less concerned but at the end of the day wouldn't trust anything until you read a contract