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Teach Overseas

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:02 am
by nancyjosie

I'd like to know whether anyone has every dealt with the above-captioned
recruiting agency. And if so, I'd appreciate any comments you may have on this agency.

Thanks a million in advance.


Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:41 pm
by VA75
I taught with this agency for 3 years in Eastern Europe. I am not sure what info you are looking for, but here are some basics:
1. You will not be happy with this organization if you are not a practicing Christian.
2. You live on the local economy. You get paid what a national teacher makes in your host country. This is enough to live on, but not extravagantly. Teach overseas will not lead you into a lush expat lifestyle.
3. You will not save any money, but you won't accrue debt either. Your housing is paid for and furnished, but think "local" and not expat. I lived in a "commie condo" as they call them for 3 years. I could hear the man next door sneezing every morning, but our flat was enough for our needs. (Even considering that no more than two thin people could fit in the kitchen at one time.)
4. There is a huge emphasis on team. You will be assigned a teammate that you will live with and most likely work with. I made some of the best friends of my life with Teach Overseas, but there were occasionally some pairs that just had a tough go of things. The 30 people from Teach Overseas that were assigned to my country in Eastern Europe became like family to me. We would rent cars together for a quick trip to Vienna, we spent Thanksgiving together at a retreat center ( this was required attendance) and we did Christmas gatherings, birthdays, etc. etc. If you prefer to be a lone wolf then there would be other agencies that would suit you better.
I loved my experience with Teach Overseas. My next overseas placement in the UK was totally the opposite as I got my job at a recruitment fair. My husband and I got upper tier jobs with expat salaries, but I often missed the community that I had with Teach Overseas.
If you have any other specifics questions I would be happy to reply.