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China: western style apt.

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:58 am
by dimnds
Well, I just learned from the school there is no Western style bed per se...and the bathroom simply has a hole in the floor for a shower...

anyone else experience small kitchen, bathroom and bed like this?

also is it common to pay one's own utlities in China for schools and internet?

is there a tax after the first 5000 RMB for govt ? my document says 10000 RMB after taxes?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:52 am
by mysharona
Paying your own utilities is common and not a big deal because you can pay them in convenience stores. Chinese mattresses are notoriously hard but I don't know what a. Non western bed would look like, maybe an opium bed? We have a normal bath but it sounds like your's is small, the room is the shower.

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:29 am
by happygolucky
Our apartment is about the size of a typical european apartment, the bed came with a matress (fine for us)and we have a bath and shower in the en suite and a shower cubicle as at home in the other.

We also live in a complex with 24 hour security, its own art gallery, its own shop, Pool, table tennis and gym.

We pay the utilities but the landlord pays them and brings the bills to us every 3 months and we pay him. The school pays the rent directly.

We also paid up front for the whole year for cable and internet.

Tax wise, the first 4900 odd RMB is tax free and the rest is taxable at the usual rate.

Western style apt in China

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:23 pm
by dimnds
the school gets apartments for the teachers...and headmaster. 11 teachers in all..7 right now

the rooms are large save for bathroom and kitchen area...balcony for hanging laundry supposedly.

mattresses in China..hard and blankets and foam on planks...might just be a deal breaker as I am 60 and do not want that kind of bed. Cannot use my air mattress on top due to the voltage so wont bring it.

Was told there are lots of stairs, lots of walking in China. I am used to Korea..and such was not the case.

School told me couldn t get visa yet as it takes a month at least..and I need to go to China quicker than 25 June as my lease ends, car would have to be registered end of July..etc.

10000 RMB..classes in blocks..2 block periods back to back..8-11 50 and then break until 2 30 and then teach until 5...for foreign teachers..lots of hours for 10000 RMB

anyone know of any other schools hiring..this place is out in the boondocks...Xian..I need to get to see my son in Japan says I can take a ferry to Tokyo..yikes...

any suggestions would help for China..and info on the visa business.

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:51 pm
by durianfan
10000 RMB is crap unless you are doing EFL work. What school is this?

The visa does take a month - that's no bullshit. There's nothing you can do about that.

Xian - I would never live there. It's out in the middle of nowhere so traveling to other parts of China will be difficult and expensive.

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:26 am
by happygolucky
I agree that 10000 RMB is crap. As comparison I get 31500 RMB a month

where do you work happy?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:47 am
by dimnds
Zibo experimental high school

anyone know of any school hiring for going in August???

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:09 am
by sevarem
That's an experiment all right. An experiment in how much crap you're willing to take. Zibo isn't an international school; it's a local school with a few foreign faces to round out the staff. That's not necessarily a problem, but a 10k RMB per month salary is. Those are ESL teacher wages, and if you're a certified, experienced teacher, you can do better.

Beds in China are often very hard. We got a mattress at Ikea though, so it wasn't a problem. Mattress toppers can be bought in stores. Our apartment had a very small kitchen, but that's pretty common. I've seen "shower rooms" all over Asia, and while our apartment didn't have one, they're not uncommon. We paid our own utilities, but the school handled doing so.

Xian is a typical filthy, polluted Chinese city, with the added drawback that there's nothing to do once you cover the tourist sites in a weekend. I wouldn't take this job. Try TIE Online. Last minute jobs pop up all the time, and I'm sure you can find something better than this.

ETA: It took the school two weeks to procure our visas. Not sure why you have to wait a month.

Xian, etc

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:10 pm
by dimnds
The head director of international ...said that it was a month. My docs are all in a row...not a certified teacher as I taught chem labs at 2 colleges, and substitute taught in another state for 4 years. ESL was S. Korea and Russia with tutoring for different companies western USA where I am now and have them for a reference.

I wanted to be in China the first part of August..Does anyone know of any schools hiring. TIE requires a fee and right now after driving across country and back through the tornadoes (after claiming my son who was brought back from Afghanistan) I just need a break to get started again overseas within 3 wks.

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:50 pm
Here are a few of the recent posts on TIE for China
The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University

It is worth the money for TIE hands down as it opens so many doors.

You can also look through Teachaway - they have quite a few esl posts and teaching posts.

Good Luck.[/code]


Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:11 pm
by dimnds

I realize paying to obtain the info is worth it. I just drove from NV to GA to claim my son's body coming back from Afghanistan. it was flown into Dobbins AFB. I then drove back through Hurricane Andrea and was on 40 west in OK sitting ducks with tornadoes dropping around me..spent extra days in a hotel...piece of my car blew off the side..panel that was not bad for not getting apoxy on it..and broken headlight..good ole State Farm fixed that...but..that being said..very very limited funds..

lease ends on place next registration due aug 1 and i need to get immersed somewhere..and quickly..

hate to be a sobbing on is what it is...and now I am trying to look at things logically without using the heart to much..if you know what I mean...

I have one son left that is safe and is in Japan teaching..However, JP is hard to get jobs...and no recent FBI check for Korea or I d go back there in a heartbeat.

Forgive me for being redundant..members..

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:13 pm
by dimnds
So sorry to be redundant..truly...

Thank you all for your posts..greatly appreciate it.

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:05 am
by sevarem
I'm so sorry about your son. What a terrible time for you and your other son.

But... please listen. I don't recommend taking this job in Xian. It sounds like a dump and a nightmare. Pay the $30 for TIE Online. There are several last minute jobs listed, many in China, and you could get a much better deal. Any one of those listings that CDNTEACH mentioned would be better than Xian, especially the jobs that would put you in Guangdong, as you'd be near Hong Kong.

It sounds very much like your grief is causing you to need to leave the country for a while. Understandable. But don't let that grief compound into making a decision to work in a lousy location for ESL wages.


Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:30 pm
by dimnds
I did turn down the other job at Zibo.

However, so strapped for cash..that TIE is not an option right now.

My son in Japan needs to have me closer to him as he could not make it to the funeral.

He is overwhelmingly sad and needs me nearer.

I cannot pay the airfare to a school...can t get the FBI check fast enough for Korea..even though worked there until 2009

I did send letters to the schools given me..i.e. Clifford School and the response yet.

Thailand only offered 20/hr and only part time work..that won t work..I can do that in the states at Walmart lol

so..IF someone knows a school that is hiring or is working at a school...let me know. pm me...or